October 18, 2024

Weekly Round-Up #118: Get Stuff Done, Stop Saying "Um" and Nuts!


In this week’s round-up we look at how you can stop saying “Um” as a filler during those important speeches, why you should adapt well known productivity techniques to the way you work and what benefits the simple almond can have on your body.

Weekly Round-Up: Getting Things Done, Saying "Um" and Nuts!
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In this week’s round-up we look at how you can achieve your goals by not only monitoring your tasks but adapting techniques to fit in with your style of doing things. Also, as paper-based planners make a come-back we look at how you can make yours more productive and what to do when people just don’t get paper planning

Master your Metrics: How to Reach your Greatest Goals – Asian Efficiency

As much as I like my “Big Hairy Audacious Goals” I know that these aren’t the sort of goals I should be dealing with – I should really be dealing with smaller day-to day items. This article takes a look at how you can track and manage your tasks.

How To Get More Done In A Day – The Order Expert

We’re constantly reminded that there are only 24 hours in a day but there are some simple ways you can free up extra time to complete tasks you may think you don’t have time for.

How To Organize Your Filofax Like A Productivity Genius! – Strange & Charmed

This doesn’t just apply to Filofaxes but any paper-based organisers as well. A few simple tweaks can help you make your simple binder a fantastic tool for productivity.

How to Deal with Planner Shamers (& Other Toxic People) – Page Flutter

Going back around 7-10 years ago, no-one batted an eyelid when I put my trusty filofax on my desk to make appointments and notes, or got a pocket calendar out to write down the details of that party you just invited me to. These days the mere whiff of paper seems to send people into some form of pro-technology frenzy. Being someone that uses a Digital Planner Solution as well as a paper-based one I’m not sure why people have such a problem with paper-users. If you experience “planner shame”, here’s how to cope.

Weekly Round-Up #25 – You're getting David Allen all wrong, Master your emails, Daily meetings anyone? And make your phone more productive
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Using Almonds for Weight Loss, More Energy and Better Skin – Health Ambition

As someone who struggles with horrendous skin (my teenage skin was perfect, my almost middle aged skin is like a teenagers – go figure!) I’m always looking for ways to improve my skin and general health. Did you know that almonds can do more than that? I do usually only put them on cakes though!

A Guide to Let Go of Your Perfectly Good Things – Becominging Minimalist

I’m in the process of decluttering (my local friendly Bin Men aren’t going to like the weight of my recyling bin I can tell you!) but getting rid of some of my clothes, books and other items is becoming a bit of a problem. I guess looking at all of this tangible proof of the money I’ve spent (or wasted depending on how you look at it) makes me hesitant to donate these items, even if they will get better use elsewhere. Reading this post did open my eyes to the fact I should just accept I’m never going to wear that shirt and no matter how hard I try, those jeans will never fit around my waist again so I may as well give them to a good cause. Article By Zoë Kim of The Minimalist Plate

Stephen Covey launches a new Community Site
Stephen Covey has launched a new community site, based around his “7 Habits of Highly...

Seven Useful Microsoft Excel Features You May Not Be Using – Lifehacker

I’ve only just started getting into the proper power of spreadsheets. I’ve used certain features in the past of course but now I’m realising they can do a lot. I’m currently running my Guest Post diary through a Google Sheet, and I use Microsoft Excel to run the fixtures and results of a local dominoes league. With both workbooks I’ve been able to use the spreadsheet’s data capabilities and mathmatical functions to automate a lot of processes. Hat tip: Home Tips World

The Best Productivity System For Procrastinators Is To Work With Your Natural Tendencies – Quartz

I’ve written a lot about the Pomodoro Technique (most recently about some great Pomodoro timers you can use). This article from Quartz goes beyond the usual information about what the Pomodoro technique is, it discusses how to make the system work for you and let’s you know it’s okay to adapt a system to your schedule and not just stick with the original.


11 Killer Tips To Stop Saying “Um” Forever – Make Use Of

“Um” is one of those horrible filler words that once your audience notices it, they’ll pick up on every time you say it. More importantly they’ll start looking out for the “Um’s” and won’t be listening to your super-awesome content. I’m lucky enough to have been put through a couple of professional presentation course so I’ve had the “Ums” and “Ers” pretty much drilled out of me (and it wasn’t a pleasant experience I can tell you!) but if you’re looking for a way to improve your speeches without having to shell out a tonne of money this post can help.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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