October 18, 2024
Improving Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Improving Your Digital Marketing Strategy


Digital marketing can be tricky if you have no idea what you are doing or what you need to be doing. However, failing to utilise the digital marketing resources at your disposal can put you at a real disadvantage to your competitors. So can you make sure your digital marketing strategy is working for you and you are doing everything you need to for a successful marketing campaign?

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Digital marketing can be tricky if you have no idea what you are doing or what you need to be doing. However, failing to utilise the digital marketing resources at your disposal can put you at a real disadvantage to your competitors.

So can you make sure your digital marketing strategy is working for you and you are doing everything you need to for a successful marketing campaign?

Focus on Conversion

Data is one of the most critical cornerstones of a successful digital marketing plan. Data and metrics should influence every choice and action taken by a marketing team. In today’s market, this entails sifting through data to determine where potential clients spend their time online (which social media platforms and websites they frequent) and then targeting them with relevant content.


Are people clicking off your website without performing any actions? It could be that your homepage has too much going on or isn’t easy to follow or navigate. It is as easy as possible for people to find what they need in your website as a whole, but more importantly, your homepage can help you convert views into clicks and then into sales. Look at quick design iteration to help you understand our design, how visitors to your website see it, and what isn’t working for you.


We have all heard of it. Getting your SEO spot-on can be like finding the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. The right type of SEO for your business is about more than filling up your content and pages with keywords. Keyword stuffing can impact your website negatively.

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Many businesses choose to outsource SEO to experts who have spent many years honing their skills to allow them to effectively put in a solid SEO marketing campaign, including implementing and researching the correct type of keywords for your website. Analysing patterns and trends and putting these to good use via long for keywords that match search queries better and get you white hat backlinks that can boost your authority and help you appear higher in SERPs’ search engine results pages.

  • Traffic – Track the traffic volume with Google Analytics and categorise it into organic, paid, and referral sources.
  • Heatmap – Using data from a heatmap, you can figure out where users click the most on your website. It will also show you how much time someone spends on each page, which will help you determine which pieces of content are the most popular.
  • A/B Testing – A/B testing is the process of comparing two options. To find out which subject lines and calls to action get the most clicks, experiment with different subject lines and calls to action.

Customer Service

When you think of customer service, what does it mean to you? Many people wrongly believe that customer service is only applicable at the point of sale. In fact, if your customer service falls below the standards customers expect before they get to the point of purchase, then chances are they won’t reach the checkout regardless of what you are selling.

Make sure you are putting out a consistent message at every point a customer will engage with you or your business to ensure that your customer service is spot on all the way through. This includes things such as;

  • An easy to navigate website
  • Clear and consistent messaging
  • Consistent branding
  • Social media posts backup your ethos
  • Using chatbots to help answer customer service queries quickly when you aren’t online.
  • Offering value for money when they purchase from you, including extensive information on products and services when required
  • Efficient delivery of products and services

Put yourself in the shoes of the customer and assess your customer experience as a whole to look at areas you could do better or improve. Include feedback in your evaluation of the customer feedback from those who use your service or buy your products. This will give you a better overall view of what people are coming up against when interacting with your business digitally.

Effective Tracking

Social media is an effective tool in your digital marketing strategy. Teaching social media likes, shares and clicks such as;

  • Number of shares/reposts by leads
  • Number of shares/reposts by influencers
  • Number of engagements/impressions

Some social media sites offer built-in capabilities for reviewing your strategy—Facebook Insights is a great example. SEMRush and Google Analytics, for example, are essential tools for tracking performance. This tracking tool helps you to track important metrics, including how many of your users are online at any one time, post reach, and post engagement.

For example, if you know most of your customers are coming to your website via your social media channels, then focussing on how they get from A to B can improve the likelihood of you putting your efforts into the right area.

Consider digital marketing to be a continuous process. While your first plan may have yielded promising results, it’s critical to have a quarterly schedule in place to evaluate your strategy regularly. Trends shift, demand shifts, and methods should adapt accordingly.

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Refine Regularly

Once you know you are working towards maximising your digital marketing strategy, you need to utilise all the available data to keep refining your efforts. Always strive to do better and do more, and once you have the data you need to track sales and behaviours, you can look at areas to improve and streamline your customer experience.

Marketing is a dynamic experience, and you need to make sure you are keeping your fingers on the pulse at all times to allow you to interpret the metrics and apply this efficiently to your marketing plans moving forward.


When it comes to a successful digital marketing strategy, you need to make sure you look at the picture for a while and make your decisions based on the available information. Trends and analytics can change depending on changes in the landscape when business is concerned and new products or services.

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