October 18, 2024
Database Consultant Versus Database Consulting Company – Which One Should You Hire For Business Success?

Database Consultant Versus Database Consulting Company – Which One Should You Hire For Business Success?


Your business might not be ready for full-time database administrators and managers yet, or you might not be too keen on incurring the costs of recruitment or retention of a professional or company with specialized skill sets in database management. When you are the owner of a growing company, database administration’s task becomes indispensable for service or product delivery to the end customer. With the right database admin and management consultant or company, you can keep your sensitive data protected, accessible round-the-click, and scalable as and when required. This is a skill set that your developers, DevOps engineer, or even your system administrator will be able to manage without hassles.

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Your business might not be ready for full-time database administrators and managers yet, or you might not be too keen on incurring the costs of recruitment or retention of a professional or company with specialized skill sets in database management. When you are the owner of a growing company, database administration’s task becomes indispensable for service or product delivery to the end customer. With the right database admin and management consultant or company, you can keep your sensitive data protected, accessible round-the-click, and scalable as and when required. This is a skill set that your developers, DevOps engineer, or even your system administrator will be able to manage without hassles.

Hiring The Right DBA For The Job

Getting a qualified and skilled DBA with several years of valuable experience under the belt is a mammoth task. Moreover, their recruitment is a challenge and might cost your company over $100,000 annually. Whether you are hiring a full-time DBA or considering a remote DBA company for the job, there are many pros and cons that you must weigh before you make the final choice.

At the beginning of their DBA journey, most business owners often hire contractors or, even worse, a DBA not skilled enough by accident. This causes the business more harm than good. The following are some details for you to consider when it comes to hiring a good individual DBA consultant or a company for supporting business-critical systems. Given below are 5 powerful tips that help you get the most out of your remote database consulting company or an internal DBA hired for your organization-


Get Clarity On The Schedule And Your Database Consultant’s Availability

Availability is the first thing you must consider before hiring an individual DBA or a company consulting for the same. Note, the data of your company should be available 24/7 to the end-user. At the same time, you need support for on-call emergencies. You should be wary of database administration moonlighters that are unable to deliver to your database system the same sort of attention you give to it during the time of a server crash or downtime.

You must carefully read about all the Sales Service Agreements before hiring the company for your database management needs. Your system needs constant monitoring. If you cannot devote time to it with a full-time individual DBA, you should consider hiring an esteemed company in database administration and management to alleviate the tensions. To know more, consult the skilled professionals from RemoteDBA.com for the task.

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The professionals from any credible database management consulting company will monitor your system proactively 24/7, 365 days a year. This means your database will be taken care of when you are on sick leave or vacation.

In case you decide to hire an individual database consultant, you need to pay extra when it comes to night shifts, weekends, and any after hour call schedules that your business is needed to be on. You must have the right backup plan with you, and in the event of not being able to reach your database manager, you should have a seamless escalation process in place.

If you have project-based needs, you should establish clear goals and standard expectations for the services delivered to you. Be prepared to ask probing questions as the database consultant needs to complete complicated problems that might vary extensively. Be frank and ask him/her about past experiences with similar database administration and management projects.

When you hire a database consulting and management company, your business gets 24/7 support and access to a suite of skilled and qualified DBAs. Modern database administration and management companies offer you the next-generation managed IT services. This means you not only get the resources for database management, but you will get several support options for optimizing these databases to steer your business forward.

A Concise Communication Plan Should Be Created With Resources For External Database Systems

When you are hiring several remote workers, you must manage the team well. Your DBA team should have healthy communication ethics and use them for the progress of your business. A good team will never suffer from strained communication in the event of challenges. Lack of team proximity causes rifts in team communication, which hinders your business’s progress if you choose the wrong company for your managed IT services needs. To boost communication, you should equip your management team with all the tools they need for persistent team building.

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You should loop all your database consultants into all your IT meetings and consider conducting video calls more than just voices to build connections. This might mean spending extra. However, the costs are worst in the long run. In this way, both your internal database management professionals and the DBA consulting company understand your needs precisely.

Ensure That You Hire For Urgency

When you hire DBA consultants or companies, you must ensure they are equipped for managing tight schedules and those periods when you might have extensive growth for your company. When you have an expected project or a gap in the technical capabilities, a bit of extra assistance given to you by your database consultant is the primary key to curb team burnout and stress. You should consider the following:

  • Allocate time for learning – if you are hiring a consultant or a company for the first time; ensure you give yourself the time to bring the consultant up to speed. This will alleviate any miscommunication, causing backtracking projects.
  • Establish a consistent process – If you need to hire consultants or a DBA consultant quickly, make sure to fine-tune the process by short-listing potential consultants and companies to mitigate the costs of recruitments that are not suited to complete the job.

When you outsource your database management and administration to a credible company specializing in the task, you save costs. You can get access to a highly skilled and qualified team of DBAs that give your business the extra push it needs to get the competitive edge in the market with success!

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