October 18, 2024
Weekly Round-Up #273: A Review Of 2020

Weekly Round-Up #273: A Review Of 2020


They say that you should look forward during the new year, but I thought I’d take the opportunity to take a look back at 2020 and see what content you guys were reading the most, and perhaps highlight some great content you may have missed.

2020: A Year In Review
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Welcome to the New Year!

Wow, wasn’t 2020 a real doozy, huh? People had to adapt to new ways of working and learning, their businesses had to change in order to keep operating during the COVID-19 pandemic and as a society we changed the way we communicated and interacted with each other.

They say that you should look forward during the new year, but I thought I’d take the opportunity to take a look back at 2020 and see what content you guys were reading the most, and perhaps highlight some great content you may have missed.

We publish a lot of content here on FlippingHeck.com. When I first started blogging back in 2004, I didn’t really have a set schedule then as time moved on I changed to posting 3 times a week and now, thanks to our wonderful contributors, we’re able to publish 7 days a week – sometimes multiple times per day. Wow, how things have changed!

While 2020 may have been a horrendous year in terms of having a “normal” life, FlippingHeck.com went from strength-to-strength. We published a whopping 476 articles from 104 contributors and had more visitors and page views than ever.

Weekly Round-Up #58: You're Using Your Time Wrong, Sort Your Mornings Out and Stop Multi-Tasking!
Wonder how experts manage their mornings? Or maybe what tools they use? Or perhaps you need to know how to end your work day? Read this post to know more - and also why you shouldn't multi-itask

So, here’s what you guys found the most interesting in 2020, enjoy!

6 Noble Professions You Should Consider For Your Career

Choosing a career is no mean feat. It is particularly hard to make up one’s mind since there are so many factors to consider and it may be difficult to prioritize. What do we really expect of our future career path, and should our ideal job be as profitable as it is rewarding? Finding satisfaction in your work is definitely crucial for being happy, as Mark Twain so adequately puts it: “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life”. With this in mind, here’s a list of the noblest and most respected professions that are definitely worth considering.

Flippomodoro: Free Pomodoro Printable Planner

The FlipPomodoro is a free downloadable Pomodoro planner that allows you to list tasks, estimate the amount of effort required to complete the task, how many “Pomodori’s” the task takes, when to take breaks. You could also use the FlipPomodoro as a simple task tracker if you wish.

6 Ways To Remember A Large Amount Of Information In A Moment

Do you happen to encounter difficulties in recalling important information lately? No worries, you’re here to learn several powerful memory tricks that’ll help you remember things better and will increase your brain’s memory functions. In this article, we are presenting the 6 ways best strategies to remember a large amount of information in just a moment!

5 Best Tips For Learning By Heart

The world is evolving at a speedy rate and it requires people to be smarter to be able to survive the changes witnessed all over. Whether you are a parent, a student or a professional, it is vital for you to enhance your skills and learn new things each day, but what benefit will it give you if you forget them too quickly?

Even though our minds are constantly being bombarded by new information by the minute, it is crucially important for you to retain much of this information in your long-term memory. This way, you will be able to learn things by heart and maximize fully on the benefits of acquiring the new skills you picked up along the way. Thanks to science, here are a few tips to help you learn things by heart.

7 Habits – Habit 5: Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood

Covey sets out in Habit 5 to change the way we interact with people by changing the way that we listen to them. We need need to be non-judgemental and not make assumptions (assume makes an ASS of of U and ME remember!).

In order to reach a Win/Win situation (See Habit 4) and be able to influence people and the outcome we need to understand the other person first. I have to admit I was a bit surprised that Covey uses the term “Influence”. To me it has sort of nasty, Machiavellian connotations; I think he really should have discussed a mutually beneficial outcome here (which he gets on to much later in the chapter) rather than jump right into the “benefits” of influencing people.

7 Habits Of Highly Effective People – Free Worksheet

Download your free 11 page “7 Habits Of Highly Effective People” Worksheet and learn how you’re already using Stephen Covey’s core principles of being an effective employee, family member, friend and human!

Even if you’ve never heard of the “7 Habits” before you’re probably using a lot of Covey’s techniques without even knowing it.

6 Greatest Challenges Of Moving To A New City

Leaving behind your old house and moving to a new city can be very stressful. Luckily, there are ways to get well prepared and avoid, or at least be ready to face all the bumps you can stumble upon down the road.

First of all, you’ll need to make a final decision: Are you leaving for good? If the answer is undoubted YES, then go ahead and make a detailed plan which will come in handy during turbulent moving days. Below are some of the most usual challenges people face after deciding to move to a new city.

Personal Development Through Positive Self-Motivation

Personal development is a continuous process. We evolve each day with everyone we meet and anything we do. When motivated, it becomes easy to continue to develop ourselves, because a motivated person feels confident to try new things and develop all the time.

Motivation brings optimism which is an important factor for winning in life. However, motivation has a short life when fostered by external factors.

How To: Use A Personal Kanban Board

Depending on what you look at Kanban means “Sign board” or “Card you Can See” either way it’s a visual tool to help you determine what needs to be done, what’s being done and what is done.

Kanban originally started as a process within Toyota so that everyone from shop floor workers to supervisors to the board of directors could see what was being done, it was the precursor of the “Just-In-Time” manufacturing system that we’re so used to seeing today1.

Basically, Kanban stops wastage in terms of time, energy and resources and allows you to concentrate on what needs to be done rather than what you think needs to be done.

Top 7 Highest Paying Jobs For Digital Nomads

Whether you are considering becoming a digital nomad or you are already one, there are certain jobs that are at your disposal that are just perfect for the online line of work. However, wouldn’t it be even better if you get to decide which online job you would prefer based on earnings it can provide? Some online jobs are better paid than others, so you better get yourself informed well before making any further commitments. Here’s a list of jobs that are expected to be paid best in 2018.

Why Speaking Eloquently Is So Important In Business

Eloquence is the fine art or practice of using language fluently and expressively. We’ve all been moved by eloquent speakers. Think back to speeches that affected your life in some way – a teacher, a mentor, an activist, or a politician. Great speakers have mastered the art of speaking eloquently.

Fortunately, eloquence in speaking is a practice that is not solely innate; it is an art that can be taught, and one that is extremely important in business.

My “Killer” GTD Setup

There’s a Meme going on over at “Getting Things Done” about your “Killer” GTD setup. I’m probably a little late to join in (hey, I’m late for everything – it’s expected of me!) so I thought I’d use it as the kick in the backside I needed to write about me and my Moleskine which I was meant to do ages ago (did I mention I was always late?). So, here it is, my “Killer” GTD setup!

How To Avoid 8 Common Traps In Decision Making

The true blame for the worst decisions in business is on the decision maker. External factors play a secondary role. But what is the source of mistakes? Psychologists argue that a decision maker’s mind gets into so-called traps that influence the decision making process. There are 8 common mental lapses that affect the way people think and prevent them from making correct choices.

What should we do to avoid the decision making traps? Forewarned is forearmed as the proverb says

12 Types Of Toxic Co-workers And How To Deal With Them

In a job you don’t really get a say in who you end up working with so you will be partnered with with a variety of people from many backgrounds. This can make for a great working environment – you all have something to learn from each other, and learn about each other.

Unfortunately these differences can also cause confusion, issues and offence if not understood properly and these small misunderstandings can soon blow into a big issue amongst members of the team.

Weekly Round-Up #164: Filthy Toys, Motivational Mojo And Sizzling Side Hustles
This week we take a look how to keep your children's toys clean, what to do when you're not feeling motivated and how you can start a side hustle (with a couple of suggestions of things you can try out)

Usually these problems are easily dealt with between the two people in question. With toxic co-workers though things get a bit more complicated as they don’t just upset an individual, they try to pull in the whole group into their fight.

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.


Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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