October 18, 2024
8 Free Ways To Generate More Leads With Your Website

8 Free Ways To Generate More Leads With Your Website


Transforming your business into a customer or lead generation machine to convert the traffic into leads is a tough task. Not that tough, make sure to have an understanding of the basics that are being present on the depository list and who your potential customers can be.

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Transforming your business into a customer or lead generation machine to convert the traffic into leads is a tough task. Not that tough, make sure to have an understanding of the basics that are being present on the depository list and who your potential customers can be.

Your website is your brand just getting traffic is not enough. You also need conversion. Website b2b lead generation is fun and requires little effort that is being consistent. Dive in for information regarding lead generation tactics for free.

Optimize your website for conversion

Well, it is quite simple if your website is answering questions like, how will this make my life better? & How do I get it?

If your website is answering these questions in the most simple, clear, and concise manner you have cleared the first platform.

Make sure to put a line like getting an appointment fixed, schedule meetings, and schedule your visit.

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Make sure that your website is benefit centric, and call-to-action in direct and precise. Focus on what the customers want, not what you deliver. Show how it is useful and beneficial to your b2b leads.

Quiz Game

Quite underrated but is an excellent way to level up your game by adding a quiz on your website. People love quizzes that speak of their problems and empathize with it. People relating to the question simply get more interested in your business.

You can get weekly Ads running on Facebook, Instagram to promote your quiz. You add that on your website too. You can target your leads or the potential prospects as in categorizing with age, gender, zip code, and income.

The quiz result should be done in exchange with the mail address. Now that you have their email address you can follow up. Don’t forget to add a pop form like more info some convert from their will.

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Use Hello Bar

The simplest of all tools to get hold of b2b lead generation on your website. You just need to add popups or modals. Put the setting as when should that appear and for how long. It can be as an existing form or like the form appearing with an interval of 10-15 seconds.

You can have their email address for the newsletter or the latest updates.

Link blogs with form pages

The blogs and content reaching the mass can be linked to the website page which has contact forms. Link it to the quiz page, consulting page, or the form that needs to be filled with the email address.

Ever Appearing Contact Form

Make sure to have your contact form as the sidebar. It should be fixed and disappear only when it is filled. People seeking information or browsing through the history will always get their eyes on that contact form and can eventually fill after checking the site.

Natural and effective way to get leads. Try adding a depository business list for better visibility.

Send Birthday Card to Your Clients

The never talked about strategy. Sending a birthday card to your client may seem silly but will be worth your time and effort. A simple handwritten note on a birthday is a great way to say, you care, you are genuine and trustworthy and not just for business up to sales.

Often people forget about the client as they reach the delivery of sales or if it is canceled. Don’t do that build a relationship with them you have your b2b lead generating strategy sweet and simple.

Video Strategy

Simple add one video at each of your website pages. Service page videos should be taken seriously. The video should be educational and leading them towards the call-to-action or telling them what to do next. Understand no one has time for reading your content so the video might save you.

Researches shows that 80% of the lead conversion took place because of the video marketing on the landing pages. It is a great way to get acquainted and gain trust within no time.

The Different Types Of Videos Every Marketer Should Know
Any ardent marketer understands the need for videos as a marketing strategy. With most consumers preferring video, most video marketing content tend to reach more target audience. It also helps your page rank higher in search engines with a better conversion. Not all video


Considering your business see if word of mouth and Google Ads work for you. If referrals work for you. You can get that from your existing clients or non-competitive business owners. The reviews or referrals help in growing the business.

Starting A Startup During These Uncertain Times
Launching a business is complicated even in the best of circumstances. It becomes a more challenging ordeal during the pandemic, but not an impossible one.

If you’re unsure how to start gaining online referrals you may want to consider hiring a specialised Google Ads Agency who will be able to help you pinpoint your audience and target your ads to the most relevant people ensuring that your referrals turn into customers.


Getting an organic lead generation is not an easy task if you don’t want to invest any money into it.


With the mentioned strategy, we hope we have given you good options to choose from and bloom your business and understand the b2b lead generation.

About The Author
Joseph Tall is a competent product specialist with years of experience at Soleadify prescribed it to be one of the best prospecting tools he has ever come across.
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