September 8, 2024
How Realtors Stay Proactive in Tough Times

How Realtors Stay Proactive in Tough Times


Running a real estate business can be a bit of a roller-coaster. The unexpected happens when you think the market is smooth, and you start going through a very tough moment. Now, how will you turn your business around during uncertain times, and all seems lost? Here are some of the tips that you can stay proactive in hard times.

Realtor with model house and keys
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Running a real estate business can be a bit of a roller-coaster. The unexpected happens when you think the market is smooth, and you start going through a very tough moment. Now, how will you turn your business around during uncertain times, and all seems lost? Here are some of the tips that you can stay proactive in hard times.

Send Thoughtful Postcards

In difficult times, the world will still move. So, a realtor must come up with new ways of marketing and finding new clients. Postcard marketing is effective in vouching for new markets. This type of direct mail advertising uses the cards to announce new listings or publicizing sales done recently.

You can send handwritten postcards. Also, you can lease companies that expertise in marketing to handle the procedure. Direct mail companies like Wise Pelican provide Virtual Hug postcard templates for real estate agents who want to positively influence their community. You can also get companies that help compile mailing lists and print mail cards and distribute them.

When choosing postcards, go for cards that are slick and artfully designed. If you want a handwritten way, ensure your words are useful and give a personal touch to the recipients. Postcards should get sent out when there is a sensational advertisement with an excellent offer to make.

Leverage your Social Media

Social media is one of the productive real estate marketing avenues that have been underrated. During tough times, a real estate professional can use social media as a powerful tool to attract clients. With social media, clients can come over to you rather than you going to meet them.

Making Your Home Based Company Look Like A Big Business
If you're running a business from home, you may think that this will hold you back compared to competitors with fancy offices - but that's not always the case. You can give the impression of a being a big company even if you're working from your garage.

During tough periods, you want to save money. You may have to avoid extensive traveling and paying for expensive advertisements. So, count on social media as a digital marketing strategy. You can post videos on your social media pages about the current market trends and recently sold homes. Sharing such ideas demonstrates expertise.

Getting More From Your Social Media Accounts
Most businesses today use social media to communicate with their customers and promote their businesses. But, not all of them do it well. Merely having a Facebook page with necessary information about your business, a link to your website, and sharing frequent links to

Additionally, ensure you post content relating to the real estate field. The pieces should be informative and have value to your followers. Your posts should also be visually appealing. Consistent posts improves the odds of potential clients sending a direct message asking for more information. As you navigate the hard times as a realtor, create a social media community where you can gain opportunities and be a source of valuable information.

Sending Care Packages to Previous Clients

A great idea in real estate marketing includes keeping in touch with former customers. This tip can help create opportunities for doing more business or getting more clients through referrals. Keeping in contact should be professional and memorable. So, you can send them gifts to get them smiling. They will remember you, and this grand gesture can land you more openings.

Present ideas can be Christmas tree decorations, a kitchen tool, branded water bottles, calendars, or colorful wall pictures.

Other care package ideas can be congratulating them for having a new child or a son/daughter who recently graduated. AZ Flat Fee recommends including a handwritten note within your care packages as well, because it adds a personalized touch to the gift.

Ensure you have a database where you schedule special days such as anniversaries and birthdays for your clients, which will help you stay organized.

Get Involved in Community Events

Getting engaged with the community around you can have a powerful impact on your business. It will also create trust from the community members. The idea of involving yourself is a vital real estate marketing strategy for persevering in harsh times. Getting involved in community events involves attending different neighborhood conferences and town hall proceedings.

Cultivating An Online Customer Community Is So Rewarding
How blessed is business today, to be able to have the tools at your disposal that will create your community from the ground up? Social media has truly changed the world in so many ways. No one could have ever guessed how important having

You can also get involved in block parties or cookouts. Here you can get new leads and mingle with people in the neighborhood. During this event, you can talk about your experiences and ideas as you network. A realtor can also get involved in recreational sports by sponsoring a community team or providing coaching services.

Aside from altruism, the purpose of getting involved is to give the community a face they recognize and a person they can trust. Involvement in community events will grow your credibility and business.

Start/Join a Nonprofit Organization

When times get tough, you will have to put more effort. Making money means investing more in branding and marketing strategies. You can take advantage of joining or starting donations on essential causes. Joining charity events makes a positive impact in the community as you expose your businesses.

Getting your name out should entail finding organizations that support the ideals and ideas that you champion for. They can mention you as a partner in their events, websites, or social media platforms.

Be a Connector

Connecting people who can help each other will aid them to get interested in you. As a result, you can get referrals from them. During tough times, you can get out and talk to people. Ensure you show interest to individuals whom you are having a conversation. Listen to their answers and have inquiries with follow up questions.

You can show empathy and give responses that will make them comfortable. As a real estate agent, many former clients may ask for referrals. Referrals on interior decorators, electricity experts, and attic and basement cleaners, among other home experts, may get needed.

Growing Your Business
If you have a product, you need to take it out in the world and show it off. There are many ways that you can do, both in the real world and online. The aim of the game is continuing to find new customers and to put your product in...

Always have contact with each well-experienced technician and, above all, friendly. Link them up with people in need of their services. Such a strategy will boost confidence in your clients and will earn you leads when time gets better. Since realtor networks with various professionals, ensure you keep in touch with them.

Connections don’t have to be with people within the real estate industry. You can extend an arm of help to other fields. Connect patients to doctors, mechanics to vehicle owners, etc.


In Conclusion

Always remember that you can still sell real estate during tough times. Being prepared and helpful to your community can go a long way in setting yourself up for success now and in the future.

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