October 18, 2024

Embracing Responsibility To Become A More Productive Person


A UK study found that full-time workers report being productive for just 2 hours and 53 minutes during the working day, making it one of the least productive countries, despite work hours increasing. Part of this is due to people simply not taking responsibility for their work and choosing to browse the web or make personal calls. Taking responsibility for what happens in your life can be an empowering way to get away from feeling like a victim and moving towards being a strong person who is productive in their everyday life.

Embracing Responsibility To Become A More Productive Person
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A UK study found that full-time workers report being productive for just 2 hours and 53 minutes during the working day, making it one of the least productive countries, despite work hours increasing. Part of this is due to people simply not taking responsibility for their work and choosing to browse the web or make personal calls. Taking responsibility for what happens in your life can be an empowering way to get away from feeling like a victim and moving towards being a strong person who is productive in their everyday life.

Putting yourself first

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson from the University of Toronto specializes in teaching people to take individual responsibility, as opposed to being defined by or putting a group or society first. This doesn’t mean being selfish, it’s about bettering yourself, which will in turn benefit others. Peterson believes that taking responsibility can help you to find meaning in life. This meaning can motivate you to successfully work through difficult times and improve yourself, which can only be a good thing. He also speaks about how being responsible is beneficial to mental health, particularly for men where it’s often a taboo subject to even talk about.

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Owning your thoughts and feelings

Taking responsibility for your own actions, thoughts and feelings can be difficult if you feel that these were caused by how someone or something else made you react. But that’s the whole point of taking responsibility. Your thoughts and feelings are your own and you are in control of them, just as other people are responsible for their own actions. Embracing this concept can help you to respond in ways that are more appropriate and productive to both yourself and others. Practicing mindfulness can help you to achieve this outlook and put it into action as it can aid relaxation and you can take time to rethink your approach to life.

Increasing your productivity

If you truly take responsibility for yourself, putting it into action is the easy part. Becoming more productive is almost a happy side effect of taking responsibility. Not only will your communication be more effective, but you’ll feel empowered to do more for yourself. For example, if you’re not happy with how you’re progressing at work or your weight, it’s up to you to do something about that. Just because your boss doesn’t recognise your hard work, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do a good job as it’s likely someone else will notice you. If someone else does the cooking for you it doesn’t mean you can’t take responsibility for your weight. Choose to start doing the groceries and cooking in order to be responsible for yourself, as well as helping others.


Responsibility and productivity go hand-in-hand. Once you accept that you’re responsible for yourself, everything else will fall into place. Take some time at the end of each day to sit and think about how things went and what you could’ve done differently to have had a more productive outcome. It’s a process that can take time, but you will be bettering yourself for it.

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