September 6, 2024

Modifying Tables On Microsoft Access


Microsoft Access is undoubtedly one of the most popular systems utilised by businesses all over the country. The database management program allows you to store and track pretty much any type of information. In this article we look at some of the basic uses of the software.

Modifying Tables On Microsoft Access
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Microsoft Access is undoubtedly one of the most popular systems utilised by businesses all over the country. The database management program allows you to store and track pretty much any type of information. This can be anything from your contacts to your inventory to your business procedures.

There are lots of fantastic tools and features found in this programme. If you’re looking to set this up on Mac, you should look online for expert help. Don’t stop at Access, either. You can get the full package of Word programs or equivalent. Check out What is the alternative to Notepad++ for Mac? – Setapp as a prime example. Nonetheless, this blog post deals specifically with tables. After all, the input and analysis of data is something that tends to be consistent across all businesses.

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Nevertheless, it is very unlikely that you will enter a table and just leave it how it is. You will probably need to make some edits down the line. Whether this is the need to input new data or you wish to set a character limit; the options are endless. Luckily this is something that is easy to do.


Here are five of the most popular ways you can modify your table on this Microsoft program. These will come in extremely useful whenever you need to make edits. Follow the steps one by one and you should easily achieve your goal.


Add a new field

  • Open the table in question
  • Click ‘Click to Add’ (the next free header)
  • A drop down menu will appear, select the type of data you wish to enter i.e. currency
  • Type a name for your field and hit enter on the keyboard

Rearrange an existing field

  • With your mouse, hover over the field header’s bottom border you wish to move
  • The cursor will become an arrow with four sides
  • Click the field and drag it to a new location
  • Release your cursor

Change the data type for a current field

  • Select the field in question
  • Navigate to the ribbon and select the Fields tab
  • Select the Formatting group
  • Click the Data Type drop down menu
  • Pick the data type you require i.e. date / time

Create a validation rule

  • Select the field you want the validation rule to be added to
  • Head to the ribbon and select the Fields tab
  • Click Validation
  • After this you should select Field Validation Rule
  • You will see a dialog box appear, this should be labelled ‘Expression Builder’
  • Click the text box
  • Type in your validation rule
  • Click ok
  • Go back to the validation option in the fields tab
  • This time click the second option in the menu; field validation message
  • Another dialog box will appear entitled Enter Validation Message
  • Enter the phrase you would like to appear whenever someone attempts to break the rule you have just created
  • Click ok

Setting a character limit

  • Select the field
  • Head to the Table Tools tab
  • Click Fields tab
  • Navigate to the Properties group
  • There is a box next to the Field Size option, click on this
  • Enter the maximum number of characters you want to allow in this field i.e. 3
  • Finish off by saving

With these five options at your disposal you should easily be able to make any amendments you require and enhance the functionality of your table.

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