September 6, 2024
A Chance To Have All Of Your GTD Questions Answered

A Chance To Have All Of Your GTD Questions Answered


Do you have a question about GTD that no matter how much reading and searching you do just doesn’t seem to have a satisfactory answer? Matt Cornell is here to help

Notebook and pencil
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Do you have a question about GTD that no matter how much reading and searching you do just doesn’t seem to have a satisfactory answer?

Have you found an answer but it just doesn’t seem to gel with your system?

Focus Like A Laser: Beat Distractions And Get More Done
We live in a busy and ever-connected world and sometimes it can be extremely overwhelming, so how can we retain focus and stay productive? Here we discuss a few simple tips so you can get things done

Or perhaps you’ve come up with a solution to a sticky problem and want to share it with the world?


Whatever the case, head on over to Matthew Cornell’s “Matt’s Ideas blog” and put all of your GTD puzzlers and Tips and Tricks to him.


Hmm, I’m hoping to come up with a real stinker evil cheeky tongue

Multitasking Revisited: How Much Time Are We Wasting?
In an article published in the New York times in October (yes, I'm behind with my blogging, okay?!) entitled "Multitasking Can Make You Lose ... Um ... Focus" the author discusses something we've covered here at Flipping Heck before - how multitasking actually make you more unproductive
About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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