October 18, 2024

Weekly Round-Up #55: Do You DO Deadlines, Finally become an Adult And Stop being A Corporate Robot


How do you do your deadlines? Can you be an adult by owning some stuff and stop sounding like a corporate robot now!

Weekly Round Up 55
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Welcome to this week’s round-up. I hope you enjoy this list that I’ve put together for you, hopefully it doesn’t make you think to outside the box, disturb your paradigms or blinker your noodle.

The Secret Of People Who Always Meet Their Deadlines – Fast Company

Maybe shattering your leg is a bit of an extreme measure to get things done one time (maybe not, whatever floats your boat) but the longer you think you have to fulfil a commitment, the longer that task will take – right up until the deadline usually. Moral of the story? Get organised, don’t fall over!

25 Things Every Grown-Ass Adult Should Have – Buzzfeed

Do you have a working printer? How about a tool kit? Then you’re almost on the way to becoming a “proper” adult! There are some surprising things on this list such as Marrigolds and spare tooth brushes but as you get older I think you’ll appreciate why they’re needed. Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m off to buy a glue gun!


How to Choose a Paper Planner – The Order Expert

If you haven’t been checking out the blog recently you may have missed that I’ve released my own paper planner on Etsy. If you have been following the blog, I apologise for the shameless self promotion! This post will help you decide what you need out of a planner by looking at how you used your last one and the available formats.

Use These 5 Tips to Help Crush Your 2016 Goals – Entrepreneur

Did you make a resolution this year? You may recall from a previous post series I think resolutions should be considered goals or habits so if you’re struggling check out this post from Entrepreneur that gives you some pointers on how to reach, achieve and keep your goals for 2016.

Sony in hot water again
Sony’s “other” DRM software can leave your computer open to attack reports the BBC: The...

I Took My Full Lunch Break Every Day For A Week — And You Can, Too – Huffington Post

When I worked “for the man” a few years ago, I was lucky if I got 15 minutes of a 1 hour lunch break if I stayed in the office. The problem was the only alternative was sitting in my car so I used to walk – if the weather’s nice it can be really relaxing and beneficial to wander aimlessly for a while!
“Walking!” You may say, I say “Yes!|” you need to get away from your desk.

You may be “switched off and on lunch” but if you’re sat at your desk it’s so easy for colleagues to put a phone call through and then get arsey if you don’t want to take it – maybe understandably as they’ve said you’re there and now they have to say you’re not.

This article isn’t just about escaping the phonecalls you’ll get while on lunch, it’s about finding “me time” and getting a decent break from work so when you venture back you’re renewed and refreshed and feel like working again… did someone say this helps productivity? Listen up slave drivers!

19 things you need to stop saying (because you sound like a corporate robot) – Mashable

When I saw this post and thought about adding it to my weekly round-up thought it was very much out of the box blue sky thinking that would match all of your paradigms once I reached out and touched base with you.

If all of that made you feel warm and happy inside then perhaps this isn’t the blog for you – I almost punched myself in the face typing all that!

Unfortunately “management speak” is still around – I would have thought it would be dying a death considering the comedy that’s derived from it after all this time…

Over To You

Let’s take this conversation offline… well, maybe not I’m sorry but I’m not willing to give you my deets just yet!

But still, I like the fact that we’ve touched base this weekend and I hope I’ve been the guru

Weekly Round-Up #102: Better Team Building without Physical Exertion, Cheaper Books and iPad v Laptop
In this weeks' round-up we look at whether and iPad can replace a Laptop, whether "Trust Falls" actually build a team and how to snap cheaper text books if you're a student.

Oh dear, sorry. The Management speak robot took over!

What are your hated management-speak sayings? I’m not fond of “Blue Sky Thinking” or “thinking outside of the box


Have any to add?

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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