October 18, 2024

Getting Ready For Resolutions: Set S.M.A.R.T Goals


Setting goals to ensure you keep you habits and resolutions are really important as we’ve seen in past posts. In this article we look at using the “S.M.A.R.T” technique to make sure you stick to and achieve your goalsNew post: #title# #url#

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This post is part of the “Getting Read For Resolutions Series.You can read the last post The 9 P’s To Form A Perfect Habit here and the whole series over the course of December here.

If you’ve been looking into productivity and goal setting in the run-up to starting your New Year’s resolutions then you may have come across the term “S.M.A.R.T” in terms of your goals.

S.M.A.R.T stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-Bound

You may think that the S.M.A.R.T technique only applies to “work”projects (and I’ll be looking into that in the the New Year) but the technique can also be applied to habits, goals and New Year’s Resolutions too.

As we looked at in the post about Forming Habits we need to have defined goals that we can track, can and want to achieve and have some form of definite outcome be it time-based or action based.

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In this post we’ll look into how the S.M.A.R.T system can work alongside our other goal setting techniques.


Be exact about what you want to achieve. What do you want to accomplish? Why do you want to accomplish it? Do you need other people to help you or is it a solo goal? So you need a specific location (like a gym or pool) or can it be done anywhere?


When and how will you know your goal has been completed? Define a set end-point whether it be time, weight lost, weight gained, calories counted, words read, words written or places visited, set an end-point based on your goal.


Don’t set yourself a target like “Walk on Mars” unless you’re sure you can get into the Space Programme and book a place on the Mars flight in a few years time! Make sure that your goals and measurements are ones that you’re happy with and you can attain – not necessarily easily but with work and effort.


There isn’t any point in setting a goal if it’s not going to benefit you – or someone around you – in any way. There has to be some form of pay-off for you to be invested in achieving your goal. The pay-off may be health related (feel better by quitting smoking, lose weight to be healthier), financially related (save a load of money by quitting smoking, save money by not eating so many take-aways), you name it – there’ll be a reason behind your goal so use that as a motivtor.


There has to be an end-point to your goal (not necessarily time-bound though). Without an end point you’ll never achieve anything. If you have what could be deemed as a “long-term” goal

There Are Many Ways To Achieve Your Goals

As we’ve seen over the this series of posts as long as you have a goal in mind, can measure it and have a set outcome you can achieve almost anything.

There are a few final points we’ll cover in this series so make sure you subscribe to my newsletter to get a round up of my weekly posts and exclusive access to my free downloads.

Get Organised For 2016

Speaking of goals(!) I’ve achieved one of mine for 2016 which is to set up a shop selling some of my downloads that I develop.

Currently you can access most of my downloads through my Downloads Section completely free. I’m changing the format of my download offering in 2016 though. You’ll still be able to access downloads as long as you’re subscribed to my newsletter and I’ll be offering extended/additional downloads via Etsy and my new website (details of which will be announced shortly!)

You can view my Etsy shop here – I will be giving away select downloads to my Newsletter Subscribers but if you want full kits they’re available to purchase:

Getting Sufficient Protein When Cutting Down On Red Meat
If you're thinking about making some healthy changes to your diet you may be considering cutting down on the amount of red meat you eat. There are many health benefits when you reduce your intake of meat, and it can also help reduce your carbon footprint as well. So, if...


I hope you like my new offerings if you have any queries please Contact me.


Giveaway Time!

If you get this posts featured image reference – tweet me @FlipHeck with the name of the lead actor in the original series and I’ll pick a winner to get a Free 2016 weekly planner!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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The short URL of the present article is: https://www.flippingheck.com/4ex3

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