September 8, 2024

Weekly Round-Up #137: How To Win An Argument, Be More Effective, Hobbies and Self Promotion


In this week’s round-up we look at Productivity, Proactivity, how to hide that horrible stuff in your house and some great hobby ideas.

If you’re into gardening learn what you can and can’t plant together.

Learn to avoid arguments at work and become a more effective person.

Weekly Round-Up #137: How To Win An Argument, Be More Effective, Hobbies and Self Promotion
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Welcome to this week’s Round-Up where we look at Productivity, Proactivity, how to hide that horrible stuff in your house and some great hobby ideas.

How To Hide Your Household Eyesores – DJI Best Buy

We all have that item in our house that we’re not proud of but can’t throw out. Perhaps it’s a rather grimy looking refrigerator or some power supplies that seem to take up all of your available worktops. With this infographic from DJI Best Buy you’ll be able to hide some of the most annoying items away and disguise others.

How to Win an Argument Every Time (According to Science) – CashNetUSA

If you’re looking to get your way in a conversation with someone (and it doesn’t just have to be an argument) then this infographic from CashNetUSA will give you some great tips onhow to get what you want. Of course, we should be trying to achieve a Win/Win outcome as described in Stephen Covey’s 4th habit so if you’re struggling then perhaps consider downloading my new 7 Habits Effectiveness Worksheet to see where you can improve your interaction with others.


10 Mind-Blowing Tips On How To Stop Procrastinating – Top Notch Study Tips For A+ Students

Another way to be effective is to be productive and in order to do that we need to get stuff done and stop procrastinating. This great article from Top Notch Study Tips gives you some great solutions for stopping procrastinating, and why it’s important not to procrastinate in the first place.

7 Work Productivity Killers You Need to Improve Today – Thinkwise

There are many things that can halt your productivity, and this infographic shows you 7 big timewasters you’re making every day. Stop these and you’ll be well on your way to a path of effectiveness

Weekly Round-Up #321: Christmas “Thank Yous”, Christmas Arguments And Christmas Quizzes
We've got some of our previous content to help you get through the holiday season, some quizzes and some festive films to watch online.

5 Traits That Set Great Leaders Apart From The Pack – Cornerstone University

Another great way to increase your effectiveness is to become a great leader. You don’t have to manage a team, or even “run” a family, you just have to lead yourself effectively – but if it helps you deal with others then it’s always a bonus!

21 Best Selling Books of the 21st Century –

If you’re looking for something to read over the summer then this list is well worth a look. There are quite a few books on this list that I have read, but some that I haven’t – most notably “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne which has been on my reading list for ages!

Decorating Ideas For Different Personality Types – FTD

A lot of people decorate rooms based on their personality type. You can check your personality test here and then see your ideal decorating style on the FTD Blog(not too sure about the skulls though!

What Are Some Relaxing Hobbies For Men & Women – Chains To Gains

If you’re looking for somethind to do apart from just working 24-7 (an if you’re not, why not?) then this post from Chains To Gains will give you some great ideas. Sterling, the man behind ChainsToGains will be updating the post so make sure you swing by and let him know your favourite ways to unwind.

A Visual Guide to Companion Planting – Home Advisor

Sticking with hobbies, a lot of people find gardening very theraputic but struggle with what to plant where. Don’t worry, in this article there’s a great guide to what plant goes with what.

The #1 Law Of Attraction Tips From 50+ Personal Growth Bloggers – Self Development Secrets

Time for me to blow my own trumpet! I was asked to contribute my thoughts on how you can achieve your goals through the use of The Law Of Attraction and you can see my advice along with 49 other great productivity aficionados here.

75 SEO Experts Share Their Best Tips for Increasing Blog Traffic in 2017 –

This isn’t something that I’d usually share but as I’m one of the 75 “SEO Experts” in this list I thought you’d let me blow my own trumpet for a second time this week! If you’re a blogger, or someone who’s thinking of starting a blog or social media account then there’s some really great information in this article that will help you get your blog up in the search engine rankings.

Weekly Round-Up #284: Finding Your Audience, Veganism & People Management
This week we look at the importance of finding your target audience and how to go about it in order to take your business to the next level. And as we move further into 2021, people are realising how important living a sustainable lifestyle is so we have some tips...

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have a great weekend, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

Featured Image: Conflict & Controversy By RyanMcGuire on Pixabay

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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