February 23, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #44: Autumn Cleaning Round-Up and How I've Coped With A Booze Free October


In this week’s round-up we take a look back at out Autumn Cleaning Challenge series that ran throughout October. I also introduce a new monthly segment to my round-up where I take a look back at what I’ve been up to over then month and this month I discuss how I’ve coped with a booze free October.

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Welcome to this week’s round-up. This week I’m taking a break from our normal travels around the web and instead am focussing on the topic of this month’s blog series: “The October Autumn Cleaning Challenge“.

Firstly though I thought I’d try something new and take a look back at my month so you can perhaps get a feel for me as a person, and what I’ve been getting up to in and out of the world of productivity.

Katy’s Monthly Round-Up: A booze free October

I don’t know where this month has gone to be honest with you! I thought it was going to drag along as I decided to give up alcohol for October for the Macmillan Cancer Support Charity. I wouldn’t call myself a big drinker but I do like beer or two, or perhaps a glass of wine with my dinner so it wasn’t really too much of a hardship to give up alcohol. I was interested though in how it may affect me as a person: would I be more productive? Would my sleeping habits change? And most importantly, would I be able to fit in the new jeans I bought that turned out to be a size too small but I can’t be bothered to return them?

So, what was the outcome of my month off booze (which I’ve almost finished, just 50 hours to go at the time of writing, not that I’m counting!)? Well I certainly felt like I had more energy and as a result was able to get a lot more done. I’ve started and progressed quite well with a project that’d been on the back-burner for months, I’ve re-organised all of my spaces – thanks in part to the Autumn Cleaning Challenge and the fact that I felt like I wanted to (and could) do it.

As for my sleeping habits, they hardly changed. I’ve always been a bad sleeper, once I’m asleep I can sleep through a hurricane so don’t rely on me for help in any natural disaster! My problem has always been getting to sleep and I found no real difference in my sleeping habits. I was though able to wake up a bit easier (I am not a morning person at all) with a little less of a fuzzy head but it certainly wasn’t as if I was bouncing off the walls with tonnes of energy!

So, how about the most important thing: Can I fit in those jeans? Sadly, no! Whilst I did lose a little bit of weight there was nothing noticeable to report – nowhere near the weight loss some might be expecting if the internet is to be believed.

Would I do it again? Definitely. Not only is it a great way to raise money for charity but I think it’s really important to detox once in a while. What do you think? Could you give up booze for a month? Let us know in the comments.

Weekly Round-Up – Autumn Cleaning Challenges

Over the course of October, we looked at why Autumn could be the new Spring when it comes to cleaning. Do you only clean once a year? Then check out the posts below to see why you should change up your cleaning routine.

October Autumn Cleaning Challenge: Introduction

This post discusses the reasons behind Spring cleaning and why we don’t clean in the autumn months which in the modern world we live in is rather out of date.

Review: Marie Kondo’s “The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up”

This is a review of the book that started me thinking about cleaning the house and organising everything around me in a better way. While this book did serve as an inspiration, it also annoyed the heck out of me – read the review to find out why!

Autumn Cleaning Challenge: What Needs Cleaning When [Infographic]

How often do you clean your bath towels or microwave? Did you know that your purse is one of the dirtiest items you own and you put that down on your work surfaces without thinking about it. In this post I provide an infographic which shows you what to clean and when – some of the timings may surprise you!

Autumn Cleaning Challenge: Challenge 1 – Office & Desk Organisation

I must admit I can be quite a slob when it comes to my office. It tends to be a bit of a general dumping ground for all of my papers which I go through and file once a month. I know, I know, I should practice what I preach and I am in the middle of reorganising my whole office space so that it’ll be more conducive to keeping it tidy. This post covers some simple techniques you can use to keep your work spaces tidy without breaking the bank.

Autumn Cleaning Challenge : Challenge 2 – Cleaning And Organising Your Kitchen

We use our kitchen several times day and it can be quite a difficult task to keep it clean with different family members dumping plates and crumbs everywhere. This post looks at how you can at least make a start at keeping your kitchen clean and tidy with some simple techniques that don’t require a wedge of cash or harsh chemicals.

Autumn Cleaning Challenge : Challenge 3 – Bedroom Organisation

I try to keep my bedroom as tidy as I can, there’s a school of thought that a tidy room aids sleep as there’s less to distract and stress you – this doesn’t bother me too much though I just like not falling over stuff if I have to get up in the night! This post looks at how you can keep your drawers and wardrobe tidy and figure out what clothes you’re no longer wearing.

Autumn Cleaning Challenge : Challenge 4 – Bathroom Cleaning & Organisation

Does anybody like cleaning their bathroom? It doesn’t have to be the massive chore you think it is though. If you clean it regularly you needed have to spend ages scrubbing away, just a quick spray every day will help keep your sink sparkling. This post gives you some quick and easy tips on how to clean your bathroom without the need for harsh chemicals or too much elbow grease.

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you’ve enjoyed the Autumn Cleaning Challenge and my new personal monthly round-up.

Do you have any cleaning tips that will make our lives easier? Let us know in the comments, drop me an email or contact me on Twitter.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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