September 15, 2024
The Promising Future Of Teleservices

The Promising Future Of Teleservices


The global pandemic has been bad for businesses in so many ways. First they had to close down their operations and open them up again in digital space with most of the employees working from home; then, they had to contend with cybersecurity threats in the wake of all the upheaval. But it’s not all been bad news. Some industries have thrived, including teleservices.

Call centre headset set on a laptop
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The global pandemic has been bad for businesses in so many ways. First they had to close down their operations and open them up again in digital space with most of the employees working from home; then, they had to contend with cybersecurity threats in the wake of all the upheaval. But it’s not all been bad news. Some industries have thrived, including teleservices.

Teleservices might be described as virtual call centers, customer support, inbound and outbound sales, and technical support. While many of these services were thought to be on the brink prior to the pandemic they are now enjoying a revival and something of a transformation. The need for teleservices suddenly increased during the pandemic with more companies working digitally and more customers in their homes for long periods.

Add to that the numbers of well qualified individuals suddenly out of work and you have a recipe for a teleservices inflation. But the reality is that teleservices offer businesses excellent value as well. They offer excellent flexibility, excellent efficiency, good cost-saving, and simplicity. While technology does exist for automated services surveys show that customers still enjoy a human centered approach.


All of this bodes well from teleservices as businesses look seriously at the future and how to organize themselves post-pandemic. According to the data it seems that more businesses are in favor of improving their customer support services with humans at the helm, offering the best value to businesses and customer support via telesales. See the infographic below for more stats and data regarding the importance of teleservices going forward.

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