Personal Development Perfection: 10 Ways to Improve Your Life
Self development encourages us to push past our comfort zone, to keep improving and to generally be the best person we can be. And there are lots of ways to go about it, here are 10 ways you can improve all areas of your life.

Self development encourages us to push past our comfort zone, to keep improving and to generally be the best person we can be. And there are lots of ways to go about it, here are 10 ways you can improve all areas of your life.
Focus on health
A healthy body leads to a healthy mind, if you want to improve all areas of your wellbeing then this is one way to go about it. You don’t need to deprive yourself, just add more of the good stuff into your diet and you’ll naturally want to eat less junk. Find an activity you enjoy, and make sleep and relaxation a priority. Start treating your body with care and you’ll be amazed at how good you start to feel.
Sort out your finances
Money isn’t the be all and end all in life, you don’t need to be rich to have a happy and fulfilling life. However, there’s no denying that money is important, we need it to feed ourselves, clothe ourselves, pay our bills and put a roof over our heads. Rejig your budget, cut back any unnecessary things you’re spending on and use a price comparison site to work out if you’re getting the best deal on your bills. Changing your car and home insurance each year and your broadband can help you make the most of new customer deals. Companies like Smarty mobile can help you keep your phone costs down. Get in control of your money.
Spend more time with family
As the old saying goes, “no one said on their deathbed, I wish I’d spent more time at the office.” And it’s so true, many of us devote our lives to work and in the meantime we neglect the people in our lives. Find the balance, and do everything you can to spend time with loved ones. They are truly irreplaceable in life, and so it’s important to make the most of them.
Travel opens your mind, it allows you to see the world in a new way. You get to take in the scenery and landscapes you could only have dreamed of, you get to meet people who are very different from you, experience different cultures, religions, food and customs. Travel is never a waste of time or money, if you get the opportunity to go and see new places in the world then grab it with both hands. It doesn’t have to be luxurious- go backpacking, stay in cheap motels, hire an RV and go on road trips or go camping. If it gets you to a new place, then it’s worth it!
It’s easy to take our lives for granted, but the simple truth is that most of us are more blessed than we think. We have warm homes, food in our cupboards and things in our lives that fulfil us in some way which is more than others. You might not have lots of free money to donate to charity, but one thing you can give is your time. Spend an hour a week helping out at the local soup kitchen, kids hospital or nursing home. It helps these valuable charities and organisations continue with the great work that they do,
Move up on your career
Your job shouldn’t be your entire life, it’s important to work to live- rather than live to work. However, career is still important and in order to be fulfilled and reach our goals, we should be on a career path that provides us with scope to move up, improve and build on what we already know. If you’ve reached a dead end or are stuck in a career path with no progression, consider what your next move will be. Changing careers completely or even starting your own business could be options.
Start a new hobby
Most of us have lots of hobbies when we’re young, but as we age we stop doing these kinds of things and life can become monotonous and boring. Hobbies are important for people of all ages, they keep you productive when you’re not working, allow you to build skills in a fun way and introduce you to like minded people. If you constantly find yourself not knowing what to say when someone asks, ‘What are your hobbies’ then have a think about things you could do. It could be anything from crafts to sports.
Get organised
Very few of us are naturally organised people, but it’s not to say there’s no hope if you’re naturally a little disorganised. Take steps to plan things better- regularly organise your house, car and desk. Write to-do lists, and keep a note in your calendar or diary of any events and things you have coming up. You’ll feel much more in control and won’t get stressed out where you’re late, can’t find things or miss important appointments.
Don’t sweat the small stuff
There’s no doubt that life can be stressful and chaotic, but it’s easy to get bogged down about small things sometimes. The flat tyre, the late bus, the broken cash machine. It’s important to remember that these little things aren’t worth getting stressed over, they can be resolved and everything will be ok. By not stressing about the small stuff, you keep your anxiety levels down and remain happier.
Be independent
We all need a support system in life- people we can call when we’re upset, who will celebrate with us when we’re happy. But it’s important that we don’t rely on people too heavily, we need to be able to cope with life on our own if we need to. Take steps to gain financial and emotional independence. It doesn’t mean you have to be cold to others, it just means that you’re able to get on with things by yourself if you want or need to.