How To Regain 10 Extra Hours A Week For More ‘Me Time’


Even Beyonce only has 24 hours in a day but she still manages to get stuff done – and so can you! Did you know you can save 10+ hours a week just by eliminating certain tasks, and streamlining others? Click to find out how you can get some more well-deserved “Me Time”.

How To Regain 10 Extra Hours A Week For More 'Me Time'
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In this day and age there is nothing more precious than time. We live in a world that moves at a rapid pace. Between sunrise and sunset finding an hour to stop and recuperate can be a tough ask. But despite the increasingly ‘switched on’ style of living we’re accustomed to, taking the time to relax and reset is still crucial to productivity, mental health and physical wellbeing.

So how can you uncover those hidden hours and bring a little balance back into your life?

Here are six speedy ways to find ten extra hours a week. Welcome to your new life.

1. Schedule Your Social Media Time

We’ve all been there before. You jump online to get a quick social media fix and before you know it, five hours have passed and you’re Facebook stalking your old boss’s second cousin. It’s a slippery slope. Instead of insane Instagramming or Twittering without any concept of time, schedule your social media stints. Allow yourself a set period of time to log online per day – try 30 minutes – and stick to it. You’ll find that minimising your mindless scrolling will add up to some serious time saved.

Average Time Saved: 1 hour

Editor’s Note: If you want to schedule Social Media, I can highly recommend Buffer to schedule your posts and tweets I use it for Flipping Heck and it’s great (note I have the “Awesome Plan” but the free plan would be enough for most people).

2. Control Your Emails (Not The Other Way Around)

Thanks to the smartphone, it’s impossible to avoid being constantly on email at any hour of the day. But constant accessibility doesn’t add up to constant productivity. Take control of your email patterns by recognising your priorities. You can program your email settings to only filter through the most pressing and urgent emails. Then block out a time later in the day to tackle the remaining batch of less immediate inquiries. Set up draft templates for common email responses to minimise time wasted in retyping the same emails every week. If your job allows it, don’t add your work email on your phone so you resist the urge to check after hours.

Average Time Saved: 2 hours

Editor’s Note: You can check out some of my tips on effective email use here. If you use Gmail then you can probably filter a lot of emails into folders to keep your inbox clean. To speed up responses in Thunderbird I’d highly recommend the Clippings Add-On which helps manage canned responses really well.

3. Automate What You Can

Outside of hilarious cat videos and Game of Thrones spoilers, the internet is actually a really useful time-saving tool. Use the web as a way of cutting down necessary tasks by automating where possible. Gone are the days where running errands means actually running around. Book your gym class online, control your accounts via internet banking, organise appointments on an app. Use technology to trim down your to-do list, leaving you with more ‘me time.’

Average Time Saved: 1 hour

Editor’s Note: Have a look at IFTTT (If This Then That) which can automate a lot of online tasks for you depending on different conditions and triggers you set

4. Do Your Grocery Shopping Online

A trip to the supermarket can be a super way to lose hours of your life. Searching for parking, endless aisles, confusing specials, screaming children – it’s a retail recipe for a disaster. Instead of getting your groceries done the old fashioned way, tap into the future. Online grocery shopping is a great way to free up time. Not only can you access deals and discounts but most providers offer free delivery for orders over a certain amount. Added bonus, no more car park battles.

Average Time Saved: 2 hours

5. Outsource Menial Tasks

One of the biggest time consumers for the modern professional are the tasks that require lots of leg work but minimal experience. We’re talking simple office admin, data entry, house cleaning or dog walking. Outsourcing those jobs online through community marketplaces like Airtasker will free up time, so instead of finishing work and attending to your errands you can actually enjoy your down time.

Average Time Saved: 2.5 hours

6. Make a Rise and Shine Routine

It’s tough to be time conscious in the morning, especially when you’re just woken up and the last thing you feel like doing is racing the clock. But you’ll be amazed at how much time you can save if you set up a morning routine. Instead of slowly getting in the shower, battling through breakfast then getting dressed for the day, set yourself a time limit. Allow twenty minutes to get out the front door. You’ll be amazed at how quickly it’ll add up come the end of the week.

Average Time Saved: 1.5 hours

Editor’s Note: I hate mornings but I do understand the importance of being able to get up and going in the morning, you can check out some of my morning routine tips here

Editor’s Note:

These are really simple techniques that, combined, could save you a whopping 10 hours a week. Think how much extra stuff you could fit into that time, from being able to cook a great meal, to binge watching an entire series on Netflix, the choice is yours!

About The Author
Jennifer Liu is a Digital Content Specialist from Sydney with a background in PR and communications. A foodie and travel buff at heart, Jen also enjoys writing and blogging about lifestyle and productivity topics.
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