Weekly Round-Up #45 – Mozart Was Lazy, Tame Your Email and Getting Those Pesky Bills In Order
Mozart liked long lunches and rarely composed for more that 5 hours a day apparently… some people might call that lazy, others might call it productive! In this round-up find out how other historical figures hacked their days, how your email habits are costing over £6500 a year and why daylight savings time could be killing you.

Hello, another week has passed and we’re another week closer to Christmas and the end of the year! I hope you’ve had a productive week mine’s been… interesting!
This week I’ve been really busy but I don’t seem to have a lot to show for it in terms of tangible output. I guess that’s the problem when you are either working on something that doesn’t have a physical end-product or you’ve been – as I have – trying to work on too many things and seem to go no where with any of them.
Anyway, enough of my moaning about how unproductive I’ve been this week, let’s get on with the week’s productivity round-up!
Long Walks For Creativity, Coffee all day or working late into the night. What Routines Make You Stay Productive? – Productive Dude
I’ve been chatting recently with Erik, a.k.a “The Productive Dude” about the 7 Habits of Highly Productive People which he’ll be talking about on his blog soon but I asked him to pick out a favourite post of his for me to share with you guys and he picked this one. Did you know that Mozart liked a long lunch and only composed music for 5 hours a day? Read Erik’s post for some more interesting facts on how figures in history were productive and you can be too.
7 Essential Productivity Tips For A Successful Small Business – When I Work
Quite often my productivity tips are aimed at you as an individual but how about if you’re a small business owner? This is certainly something that I’ll be looking into next year but until then check out this post that the guys at When I Work sent in to me. Tips include avoiding horrible meetings (check out my free ebook on managing meetings for my thoughts), ensuring your team has information to hand and using the cloud to your advantage.
Tame your Inbox with Mail Manager – Mail Manager
Did you know that according to recent figures workers dealing with emails is costing the UK economy £203 billion per year? That’s a huge amount of cash that could be used elsewhere. If that number’s a bit big for you to grasp research carried out by Oasys puts the cost per employee at £6,555 – around $9970 and with users sending around 114 emails a day that works out at around £6.30 per email which is almost the nation hourly minimum wage in the UK!
Oasys links in with Outlook and your mobile devices to manage your email in a more efficient manner. Check out the video below to see if it can tame your inbox
Note, I am not being sponsored or receiving any money from advertising the Oasys software, they sent me a press release and I found the product interesting
How to be More Productive in College – eCollegeFinder
Now that you’ve settled in to college and are probably thinking of Christmas break more than anything perhaps you need an extra boost of productivity to see you through to then end of term. If so, check out this post from eCollegeFinder which gives you some great reminders on how to stay productive.
11 Tweaks to Your Daily Routine Will Make Your Day More Productive – Entrepreneur
Why do all of these “Sort your morning routine” articles start with exercise? Why can’t they start with “have a nice lay in and a cup of tea in bed”? If you can get past that – or enjoy exercising in the morning for some odd reason then the tips here will help you feel more energised during the day so you can get more done.
Got This Thing Fills Your Schedule So You Can Back Out of Any Commitment – Lifehacker
Do you need to avoid an event but have someone checking your phone or calendar? You can use “Got This Thing” to create a jam-packed calendar for you so you can point to a day and quite happily show that you’re busy. Okay, it may not be the most ethical of tips I’ve posted here but it may help you get out of something horrible!
Organizing Bills Hall Of Fame: Ideas & Solutions – Home Storage Solutions 101
Bills tend to be one of those things that you automate and forget or just pay and chuck the piece of paper in a pile or the back of the filing cabinet. This post gives you a few more ways to organise bills so you can keep track of what is and isn’t paid and can find them later if you need to.
Daylight Saving Time Is Making Us Less Healthy And Costing The Earth, Scientists Say – Huffington Post
The clocks went back in the U.K a couple of weekends ago and in the US last weekend but this change could be not only damaging our productivity, it could be harmful to our health too. Changing the clocks dates back to the days when farmers needed an extra hour of light to help get in the harvest but in these days of ultra-bright L.E.D lights and machinery that can operate 24 hours a day pretty much unmanned do we really need to keep swapping the clocks about? According to this Huffington Post article we could be at increased risk from accidents, heart attacks and even diabetes – as well as a horrible feeling of jet lag I always seem to feel!
Have A Great Weekend
I hope you have a fantastic weekend and, if you’re in the U.K enjoy the bonfire night festivities. As always if you have any comment, suggestions or articles you think I should look at please Contact Me though the website or Tweet Me
Make sure to check out the blog next week where I’ve got some great guest posts lined up for you!