9.6 Minutes To A Better You

9.6 Minutes To A Better You


Can you spare 9.6 minutes a day, 9.6 minutes that will improve your life by up to 37% a year if you stick with it? I was reading an article by Bradley Hook on Entrepreneur titled “Improving yourself only takes 9.6 minutes of work a day” and it claims that if I spend under 10 minutes a day working on myself, each day I’ll become 1% better.

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Can you spare 9.6 minutes a day, 9.6 minutes that will improve your life by up to 37% a year if you stick with it?

I was reading an article by Bradley Hook on Entrepreneur titled “Improving yourself only takes 9.6 minutes of work a day” and it claims that if I spend under 10 minutes a day working on myself, each day I’ll become 1% better.

The article is based around the book “Atomic Habits” (Amazon affiliate link*) by James Clear. In the book Clear talks about the power of “small”, how a seemingly tiny change can have a massive impact.

To that end, Clear suggests that in order to achieve something you don’t have to make a massive change, just a small one that you work on day-to-day.

Hook takes this a little further and breaks down what that 1% change actually looks like – and it’s 9.6 minutes a day according to his maths (regular readers will know I can’t do maths so I’m not going to try and verify his results!)

Hook gives some examples of what you could do with that 9.6 minutes such as have a stretch, writing 3 good things down in a gratitude journal or going for a quick walk.

When you think of it, 9.6 minutes is really nothing is it? You could fit in multiple micro-tasks into that time and within a year you could see exponential improvement and growth.

So what are you waiting for? Write down what you can do in 9.6 minutes and start your self improvement journey. Hit the reply button and let me know what you’d fit in to your 9.6 minute self-improvement block.

Stuck for ideas? Read Bradley Hook’s article here or order the book by James Clear on Amazon (affiliate link*)

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About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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