Is It Acceptable To Have Time Off Work For Surgery?


If you’re thinking of having elective surgery you might wonder whether it’s acceptable to take time off work. Here we look at some of the things you need to consider when planning your procedure

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The relationship between employees and being in the office has become increasingly distant. Working from home has become the norm and employees are granted more leave as employers trust their workforce. With this, the question of what is not an acceptable reason for leaving work comes into play. Workers in the past may have faced disciplinary action if leaving the workplace for anything other than an emergency. However, what happens when you, the employee, wish to take time from work for surgery?

There are a lot of split decisions when it comes to deciding if surgery is a valid reason to be allowed leave. It can boil down to your employer’s option, but it can also come down to company regulations and what is stated in your employee handbook. Of course, this will change for each company, so your first step should be to revise this before committing to anything. In this blog, we will look at all sides of the argument as to whether plastic surgery is an acceptable reason to take time off work.

Consider The Nature Of Your Work

First and foremost, when scheduling time off work for your surgery and recovery, you should consider the nature of your work. For example, if you have a physically demanding job, the time from working may extend further than the average range.

If you desire a breast augmentation and have a career that requires heaving lifting above your head, you may be restricted from doing so for time frames of up to 6 months. This is a long time and may require you to be moved into different positions to ensure you can still contribute to the company’s performance.

On the other hand, if you have a computer and desk job, the nature of your work will not disrupt your recovery. Of course, you will be advised to take up to 2 weeks up from working entirely, but if your employer can make ‘reasonable adjustments’, you may complete your recovery and work from home. Or, if you have a client-facing role whilst considering piezo rhinoplasty, you might have to switch tasks to back-of-house roles whilst recovery occurs. This is something that needs to be discussed with your employer before setting a date for surgery.

Understand The Amount Of Time That Will Be Required

Taking time off work for plastic surgery also needs to take into account the length of time you will be debilitated. As touched on, your plastic surgeon will advise the amount of time to schedule off work depending on the surgery opted for. As a professional, they will also advise that this time can be extended depending on the success of your surgery, as recovery can differ between individuals. Chances are if your time off requires longer than a month, this may hinder the running of the company you work for.

Using Annual Leave Is Acceptable

Remember that using annual leave is acceptable, and will allow you to avoid consulting your employer on this matter entirely. How you use your annual leave is at your discretion. The average days of annual leave given to workers in the UK is 5.6 weeks a year. Surgeons recommend at least 2 weeks off work, therefore this should fit into your given allowance.

It’s At Your Employer’s Discretion

Employees do have statutory right to take time for work for cosmetic surgery, however, it is at your employer’s discretion whether to count this towards SSP pay. Contractual sick pay will differ between each corporation, for example, some companies may adopt their scheme, whereas others may offer standard SPP.

An open conversation with your employer will be required to determine whether they will deem your surgery eligible for SPP. Likely, you will need to comply with their policy and regulations to ensure no lines are crossed.

Consider Seasonality For Your Industry

If you want your employers to express more openness to you taking time off, you should also take seasonality into account.

For example, if you are thinking of scheduling your surgery for a peak period for the industry, you will likely be placing more pressure on the organization. Instead, consider the off-peak times of the year and try to schedule your surgery for these time frames.

Of course, you will need to adhere to your surgeon’s schedule, but in doing so you will be ensuring that minimal strain will be placed on your workplace during this period.

Wrapping Up

To conclude, taking time off work for plastic surgery is acceptable, as long as the time off is either within your annual leave allowance or if you confirm with your employer that this time off meets company regulations and policy.

It is best to be transparent with your employer if you are seeking SSP during this time off work. Remember that recovery may exceed expected time frames. Be prepared for extended time off work, and be sure that your employer is prepared for this instance too.

Editor’s Note: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please speak to a licenced physician before undertaking medical procedures. You may also wish to seek legal advice concerning your right to time off work for specific medical procedures.
About The Author
Amy Jones is a freelance writer specialising in investment tips and current financial market affairs. She enjoys documenting her experiences and relevant changes in the economic and digital word that will benefit her readers in their own lives.
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