8 Surprising Health Benefits Of Having Indoor Plants


It’s been understood for a while that plants can have health benefits. If you don’t believe they can help, or perhaps you want to give your boss an article to read to prove you should be allowed to have a small plant on your desk then check out Brian Zeng’s 8 reasons pot plants are great to have around.

8 Surprising Health Benefits Of Having Indoor Plants
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Since the existence of live, plants have been the most important thing alive. They give us their parts and if necessary, their lives to provide us humans and all animals with shelter, food, materials, and medicine. Over a thousand years ago, plants were used as beautiful and ornamental decorations outside and inside the house. Many people even make gardening a hobby and use ornamental flower-bearing plants as an added design to their houses.

While these plants make the inside of your house beautiful and green, there are also surprising health benefits of having indoor plants. Here are some of them:

1. Indoor Plants Clean The Air And Stop Airborne Diseases

Indoor plants have the ability to remove airborne contaminants and pollutants like Volatile Organic Compounds or VOC’s that can cause health problems like headaches and nausea. Indoor plants also filter chemical substances in the air, giving you a clean and fresher surrounding.

2. Indoor Plants Help Fight Flu And Cold

Since cold and flu is mostly caused by viruses and particles in the air, indoor plants are a good thing to add to your house. This is because indoor plants have the ability to clean and purify the air you breathe and remove these viruses and particles that can cause flu and cold.

3. Indoor Plants Greatly Reduce Carbon Dioxide

A high level of carbon dioxide in your surrounding can be harmful and cause drowsiness. Luckily, according to results of scientific research, plants have the amazing ability to trap carbon dioxide and use it for photosynthesis and produce oxygen which is what we humans need.

4. Excellent Mood Lifter

Any green and various colored indoor plant will be attractive to your eyes and will make you feel calmer and happier. In fact, a study in 1984 conducted by Ulrich stated that hospital patients recover faster when they are facing a view of a garden than those patients facing a wall.

5. Indoor Plants Enhance Proper Brain Function

As we all know, plants produce oxygen which is essential to increase nerve and brain function. Having indoor plants can help increase your concentration and focus when working.

6. Natural Humidifier And Cooler

Instead of buying an expensive electric humidifier, why not get yourself a natural humidifier? Because indoor plants do not only release oxygen but also vapor into the air, they are known to increase humidity in the air. With the increase of humidity in the air, your surrounding will become cooler and this can help decrease your energy consumption.

7. Indoor Plants Give You More Zzzz’

Indoor plants like Gerbera daisies are known to produce oxygen during night time. So, having such plants inside your room can instantly calm your mind and improve your sleep.

8.Indoor Plants Help To Clear Nasal Congestion

Commonly known as a runny nose, nasal congestion is the excessive accumulation of liquid in the nose. Indoor plants like eucalyptus have an aromatic scent that can clear nasal congestion. It also helps clear phlegm because it contains phytochemical properties.

Plants really are a blessing from above. Now that you have learned some of the known benefits of indoor plants, go to your local plant and garden shop and buy yourself some ornamental and highly beneficial indoor plants.

About The Author
Brian Zeng writes motivational articles that provide inspiration to anyone who reads them. He created Ponbee to be a source of self-improvement that can help bring success to its readers.
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