Meaningful Team Building Activities that Promote Unity and Responsibility


A strong sense of unity and responsibility is vital for any workforce. Good employee-to-employee relations can improve professional cooperation and individual job satisfaction. But how can you help forge these important bonds between the diverse members of your team?

Meaningful Team Building Activities that Promote Unity and Responsibility
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A strong sense of unity and responsibility is vital for any workforce. Good employee-to-employee relations can improve professional cooperation and individual job satisfaction. But how can you help forge these important bonds between the diverse members of your team?

Teambuilding has acquired an unfortunate reputation in recent years. We’ve all got horror stories about cringeworthy icebreakers or mindfulness retreats going wrong! The good news is that if you’ve got the right activities up your sleeve, you can make teambuilding both meaningful and fun for your team. Keen to know more? Keep on reading.

Plan the day’s teambuilding – together

The best way to ensure your employees remember their teambuilding days with fond memories is to ask them to plan the events of the day. Pre-planning is practical and a teambuilding exercise in itself!

Before you all delve into the day’s official activities, gather your team in front of the whiteboard. Create a brainstorm or mind-map to establish the group’s values and set a series of codes and goals to structure your teambuilding practice. Key questions to answer might be: what do we want to achieve today? What will make this teambuilding activity meaningful and enjoyable? Pay particular attention to ideas and intentions that pop up multiple times, and keep them on the board as a visual reminder throughout the day.

Go fishing

Fishing is an activity ideally suited to showcasing leadership and teamwork skills. From rigging up the boat to giving everyone a go on the line, a fishing trip is a unique and highly effective way to cultivate camaraderie.

Why not go the whole hog and combine fishing with an old-fashioned camping trip? You might get a few groans from your employees to start with, but when everyone has their tent pitched and is gathered around the fire cooking up their day’s catch, there’ll be no complaints. Something about getting out and about in the great outdoors allows people to connect on a deeper level than they would in the office.

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Image Source: Pxhere

Support the community

No business is an island! Every big or small company has ties to the community in which it operates. That’s why it’s important that your teambuilding coincide with social objectives.

Contribute something meaningful for the community by sponsoring an event, getting involved in a soup kitchen, or organizing a charity bike ride. These are all activities which require collective power, meaning that each of your employees can play a central role.

An added bonus is that community events offer great exposure for your business. Renting out a personalized gazebo as your charity event base is an excellent source of promotion, as is securing branded merchandise for your team to wear as they support their community in tangible ways.

Film an amateur documentary

This will take a little more planning – a film-based activity is sure to prove a winner with your team. Use your company’s existing film cameras or rent some out for the day, and delegate the task of editing the clips to someone in the know.

Once you have the equipment and the post-production stuff sorted, gather your new cinematographer employees into groups of 4 or 5. Then, it’s up to each team to get out on the streets and film their original documentary. There’s no limit on what they’re able to do; the only requirement is that the short “film” they produce has a meaningful message, and is created with input from each member of the crew.

About The Author
Johanna attributes her passion for writing through her love for books - having amassed a large collection of mystery and historic novels since childhood. To read more of her published work, check out Johanna’s personal blog - Musings of Johanna.
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