8 Visual Content Types You Must Use To Boost Your Engagement


There are many different types of visual content and you might be wondering which one you should be using in order to drive engagement. That is exactly what we will cover in this article. In this article, you will learn about eight types of visual content that can help you grab the attention of your audience and keep them engaged. So with that in mind, here are eight types of visual content that can increase your engagement.

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Did you know that people follow visual instruction 323% better than textual instruction? Yes, you read that right. According to visual content statistics, visual content has a 65% better recall as compared to textual content even after three days. Content with visuals generates 94% more views as compared to content without visuals.

That is why 51% of B2B writers prioritize creating visual content over other things. That trend even continues even when you use visuals on social media. Using visuals on Facebook can increase your engagement by 37%. Tweets that contain visuals are tweeted 1.5x more times than tweets without any visual. All these statistics clearly point towards the effectiveness of visual content.

There are many different types of visual content and you might be wondering which one you should be using in order to drive engagement. That is exactly what we will cover in this article. In this article, you will learn about eight types of visual content that can help you grab the attention of your audience and keep them engaged.

So with that in mind, here are eight types of visual content that can increase your engagement.

Static Visuals

Most users are exposed to so much content that it can easily overwhelm them and subject them to information overload problems. If your target audience is also facing similar issues, you should do the exact opposite to rectify the situation. Present bite-size information in visual form so it is easier to digest and understand for your audience. This will help you grab your audience attention immediately

Explainer Videos

Whether you want to highlight a burning issue and provide a solution to it or explain a complex topic, an explainer video is an ideal choice. With so many explainer videos out there, you will have to use your creativity to make your explainer videos stand out from the crowd.

Make sure that you keep explainer videos concise because longer explainer videos can put off users. You can use it to increase brand awareness or grab the attention of your audience. What’s more, search engines like Google love these videos so your explainer videos could also show up in search results.

Animated Visuals

If you want to tell a story or showcase a product or service that can not be described using a static visual then, animated visuals are your best bet. This type of topic helps you cover broad and complex topics without making your content look boring.

You can also add a scrolling effect with sliders changing as soon as the user scrolls or clicks the next button. This visual format allows you to cover the advanced and in-depth topics without subjecting users to an information overload, as users only see one slide at a time. That is why app developers use it for their onboarding process.

Original Images

Most marketers use stock images in their content but if you really want to differentiate your content, you should create your own original images. Add more authenticity and convey emotions with original images instead of relying on stock photography. By adding authenticity and emotional attachment to your visuals, your audience can better connect with your brand. This can increase brand loyalty and help you develop long-term relationships with your customers. You can also use user-generated content to boost engagement and convince new customers to do business with your brand. Once people start trusting your brand, they will also start making recurring purchases.

Visual Storytelling

Another great way to develop a deeper connection with your target audience is to tell stories that they can relate to. You can also increase the effectiveness of stories by telling stories visually. It will increase shareability and make it even more entertaining and interesting for your audience. Moreover, it grabs the attention of the audience and keeps them hooked until the end.

You can also use stories to add a human touch to your brand. Storytelling can increase brand trust and give you an opportunity to convey brand messages and vision in an effective way.

Photo and Video Collages

Photo and video collages are a great way to grab the attention of your audience instantly. Thanks to collage-making tools, creating a photo and video collage is a breeze.

By combining the right images and videos, you can tap into the unconscious minds of your audience and play around with their emotions. Since most marketers are not using this type of visual content, it is still an untapped visual content type that can make your content truly stand out from the crowd and get noticed.

If you do it the right way, your brand can also steal all the limelight and gain an edge over your competitors.

Stop Motion Animation

If you want to depict a moving object and show its real course of movement then stop motion animation is a perfect choice. It combines 30 images (frame) to create a one-second video. Creating 30 frames per second video is not only cheaper but can easily be created in less time.

These videos can also improve your brand image while increasing engagement and conversions. Try to make the stop motion animation video as engaging as possible. Some organizations even use it internally to increase the morale and motivational level of employees.

Behind The Scenes Photos and Videos

Your loyal customers would love to get a sneak peek into what your company is doing. It could be your upcoming product, team event or workplace tour, all can give your users inside information about the brand you are associated with as a customer.

Some brands even reveal how their products are being manufactured or use behind-the-scenes videos to showcase how the team actually works. In short, you can use behind the scene visuals for a wide range of purposes. If you use them for the right purpose, these visuals can certainly do their magic.

Which types of visual content do you use and why? Share it with us in the comments section below.

About The Author
Irfan Ak is an tech savvy & experienced digital content writer at Branex, pro app development company. He is a regular contributor on various websites. He has worked with several brands and created value for them.
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1 thought on “8 Visual Content Types You Must Use To Boost Your Engagement

  1. We will be expanding our portfolio of visuals this year in a new push to increase our online visibility. it’s difficult really as I think my business (event photography isn’t of much interest other than to our competitors, who I don’t want coming to our website, really.

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