Green Cleaning Recipes You Can Make At Home

Green Cleaning Recipes You Can Make At Home


Today you can find an eco-friendly and green trend in almost every sector in an attempt to reduce the carbon footprint and ensure a healthy environment. As they say, little things can make a big difference so it’s important to start from your home by using natural alternatives to create green cleaning recipes.

Green Cleaning Recipes You Can Make At Home
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Today you can find an eco-friendly and green trend in almost every sector in an attempt to reduce the carbon footprint and ensure a healthy environment. As they say, little things can make a big difference so it’s important to start from your home by using natural alternatives to create green cleaning recipes.

With the natural and green solutions, you can ensure a safer and cleaner home for you and protect the environment at the same time. In this article, we will talk about some effective natural cleaning solutions that keep dirt, germ, as well as toxic substances out of your home.

1. Kitchen Cleaner

Baking soda is one of those cleaning ingredients that can be easily found in the pantry and it really packs a powerful punch. It’s easy to use, fast and also relatively cheap. To prepare an effective cleaning solution, mix four tablespoons of baking soda with 1 quart of warm water.

Soak a sponge or lint-free cloth in this solution and use it to clean the kitchen counter, appliances, stainless steel sink. It also works as a wonderful deodorizer to keep your kitchen smelling clean and fresh.

2. Cleaning Handheld Steamer

We use the handheld steamer to get rid of the stubborn gunk, dirt, and germs from every nook and corner of the house, but the appliance needs cleaning as well. You can see white hard water marks inside the tank and other stains that make your steamer look uncool.

White vinegar works as a highly useful green cleaning solution to get rid of the stains, germs, and molds. Just fill the reservoir halfway with white vinegar and then add tap water. Plug the steamer to an electrical outlet and let the solution heat until the boiling point is reached. Let the solution cool and then wash off with fresh water.

3. Cleaning Bathroom Tiles And Glass

There’s no denying that distilled white vinegar is one of the most affordable and versatile cleaning products that you can find. When mixed with baking soda, the cleaning ability increases exponentially. You can use this solution to clean floors, bathrooms, glass, fabrics, stains, dishes, and more.

To make a powerful cleaning solution, mix 1.5 cups of baking soda with ½ cup of the liquid dishwasher, 3 tablespoons of white vinegar, and ½ cup water. Stir the solution to prepare a homogenous cleaning solution without any lumps.

4. Effective Water Ring Remover

When the water stains on your glass window, toilet bowl, or sink stares at you, don’t fret. There are some easy and effective ways to get rid of them without impacting the environment around you. To get rid of accidental watermarks, make a solution of one part of baking soda and one part white toothpaste.

Now, grab a dry cloth or soft brush and dampen it with water. Take a little cleaning mixture and rub the area gently. The rough grains of baking soda have an abrasive effect to remove the stains and give you a nice shine too.

5. Carpet Cleaning Recipe

The carpet takes a lot of beating throughout the day and it silently absorbs it all – dirt from paws, food drops, liquid spills, accidental pet spraying, and so on. Besides the dust and dirt, the carpet is also subjected to mold growth and bacteria.

Here’s one of my favorite green cleaning recipes for refreshing carpet – one cup of baking soda with ten drops of any essential oil. Sprinkle the solution over the carpet and let it sit overnight. Next morning, use a vacuum cleaner to suck out all the dirt, germ, and large particles along with the dried cleaning solution.

About The Author
Jamie is a passionate writer and blogger who is extremely enthusiastic about things that aid in saving the environment and reducing carbon footprints. She owns a blog where he loves sharing useful ideas and tips to keep the house clean and well organized. When he’s not scribbling down his thoughts, he loves to travel and try new ways of making sushi at home.
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