How To Prioritise Your Mental Health

How To Prioritise Your Mental Health


Most of us are aware that our mental health is just as much of a priority as our physical health. Failing to prioritise our mental health over time can affect our physical body, our relationships, work-life and self esteem. When you lead a busy life, it can often be difficult to know exactly how to make your mental health a priority. If you’re looking for a few pointers, you’ll want to take a look at a few of these ideas.

How To Prioritise Your Mental Health
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Most of us are aware that our mental health is just as much of a priority as our physical health. Failing to prioritise our mental health over time can affect our physical body, our relationships, work-life and self esteem. When you lead a busy life, it can often be difficult to know exactly how to make your mental health a priority. If you’re looking for a few pointers, you’ll want to take a look at a few of these ideas.

1 . Try meditation

Having a regular meditation practice can help you to clear your mind, focus on the present moment, relax and ease tension. Many begin meditation as part of a yoga practice. Yoga practitioners often incorporate meditation exercises into the beginning and end of their classes. If you’re not a big yoga fan, there are plenty of online tutorials and books which can talk you through the different types of meditation. Mindfulness meditation, for example, is about observing your thoughts as they pass through your mind. The idea is to identify patterns without actually judging the thought. For those who are looking for a little more guidance, why not try a meditation app to give you the boost that you need.

2. Counselling or life coaching

If you want to put your self-care first, it can be a good idea to invest in a series of counselling or life coaching sessions. Some people get the idea that their problems are not ‘severe enough’ to seek counselling. Yet the fact is, it can be beneficial to talk to an unbiased advisor who is distanced from your day-to-day life. A counselor may be able to help you to figure out coping strategies for stress, discuss your goals, or anything that you feel is holding you back. Taking the time to talk about your emotions and feelings is a productive step to prioritise your mental health. Of course, you can also speak with your friends and family too.

3. Supplements & oils

There are a wide range of supplements and oils available that can help us to achieve a sense of calm during times of stress. St. John’s wort is a type of flowered plant that is used to make tea or pill supplements. It’s widely praised for lifting one’s mood and reducing the effects of anxiety. Supplements like magnesium and chamomile are also great for producing a calming effect and helping one to sleep.

Another great way to relax arrives in the form of CBD oil. It’s also known as Cannabidiol and is extracted from marijuana plants. The compound does not produce the ‘high’ effect associated with marijuana yet can be used as a useful anxiety and pain relief option. The Vsavi website has some great CBD products and info should you like to find out more.

4. Challenge negative thought patterns

We’ve all had times in our life when we get caught up in negative thought patterns. Once we have a problem, we tend to ruminate on it, and it only feels worse. The good news is, it’s completely easy to challenge negative thought patterns. During those times when you experience self-critical thoughts, try to merely observe the thought. Let it pass and then replace it with a positive thought. The more that you do so, the more that you will train your brain out of negative thought patterns.

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