Weekly Round-Up #16 : Don’t do a Tesla, remember F.A.T. Emperors know how to manage meetings and April Challenge Update


This week we look at 400 year old Chinese Management Techniques, why F.A.T works and whether you’re as mental as Nicholas Tesla. Plus, are you keeping up with your Clean your Computer April Challenge?

Weekly Round-Up - Cowboy Lassoing Text
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Happy Weekend!

I’ve been really organised this week. I’m slightly concerned. Where is Katy and what have you done with her?

Joking aside, I think the reason why I’m becoming more productive – or at least more comfortable with the tasks I need to do and when – is a routine. More about that in a post soon, but before that here’s my Weekly round-up of articles I think you may find useful and enjoy reading over the weekend.

10 Morning Habits of Highly Successful People That Make Them Extraordinary – Lifehack

Why do people insist that morning habits have to involve getting up early? Well, ignoring that horrible fact how about being thankful and questioning yourself as a good start to the day? That I think I can deal with!

The Surprising Sleep Habits of the Rich and Famous (Infographic) – Entrepreneur

Following on from morning habits, good mornings start with a good nights sleep. The infographic in this post shows how some of the most influential people utilised sleep in order to be better and more productive. The lesson here? Don’t do a Nicholas Tesla and get more than 2 hours sleep a night!

The end of the inbox: Companies that banned email – BBC

Regular readers know that I have a love/hate relationship with email and think email can be a useful tool if used effectively but there are some companies that have taken it a step further: banned email completely. I’ve read about companies having “No Email Fridays” but banning it completely? Apparently that can cause issues (surprise, surprise!).

Work-life balance must to boost productivity – Arab News

A lot of companies talk about Work-Life balance but do they practice what they preach? Not according to this article.

Use the ‘paper clip strategy’ to form good habits – Business Insider UK

Who would have thought that something as simple as a humble paperclip could lead to a $200,000/year job? Visual cues are so important and sometimes all it takes is a simple office supply.

Motivation for Chrome – GHacks

Do you find yourself sucked into Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or Instagram feeds when you should be working? Then try Motivation for Chrome. It provides you with a count of how much of your life is ticking by while you “work” (if looking at French Bulldogs on the Internet is classed as “work”).

Productivity Begins With The Basics – Yahoo News

Paper piling up on your desk? That’s okay, just be fat… er I mean practice F.A.T

Productivity Hacks From a Manchurian Emperor – The Epoch Times

Only 1 and a half hours of meetings a day and still build a massive empire? He sounds like my kind of Emperor and there’s plenty we can learn from him even after 400 years.

10 Habits You Should Abandon Now to Improve Productivity – Time

Stop putting off that big project, realise that some tasks are actually more important than others and sleep well… simple advice? Yes, but sometimes we need to be reminded of it.

April Challenge – Clean Your Computer – Flipping Heck

You may have seen my Post on Cleaning Your Computer last week and I promised to keep you apprised of my progress. In the past couple of days I’ve now sorted out my Photo Folder so that I’ve gone from around 1000 unfiled photos to 6 folders with all the photos neatly filed in them – and it only took about 15 minutes to do – bonus! For those of you who are interested, I categorised my photos as:

  • Animals – my pets and creatures I come across
  • Landscape – Nature photos of sunsets, weather etc.
  • Food – My random food creations and meals I eat out
  • Blog – screen shots etc. for my blog
  • Random – Weird crap!
  • Shopping – Photos of products I’m interested in buying but need to research more

Next on the list is to check my folder structure and make sure that it’s working for the documents I have.

Have you started the April Challenge Yet?

If not, why not? Spring clean your P.C – there’s still plenty of time to do it. View My “April Challenge: Spring Clean Your Computer” post for more information on how to get started and what the calendar is

Have a great weekend!

I hope it’s nice and relaxing for you – try not to stress over the little things too much.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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