Weekly Round-Up #317: Remote Working, Calligraphy & Resume Tips

Weekly Round-Up #317: Remote Working, Calligraphy & Resume Tips


This week we take a look on how hybrid/remote working was impacted by Covid and what will happen in the future, we have some interesting ECommerce statistics and how views surrounding online shopping are changing and we have a great guide on how to start calligraphy whether that be to show off your penmanship on your Christmas Cards or just try out a new and interesting hobby.

Blank resume on a wooden clipboard
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you’ve had a fun and productive week.

This week we take a look on how hybrid/remote working was impacted by Covid and what will happen in the future, we have some interesting ECommerce statistics and how views surrounding online shopping are changing and we have a great guide on how to start calligraphy whether that be to show off your penmanship on your Christmas Cards or just try out a new and interesting hobby.

How Covid Impacted Hybrid/Remote Working & Workplace Communications – Expert Market

Expert Market spoke to 125 CEOs and decisions makers about how their company adopted (or didn’t adopt) hybrid working.

The report contains some interesting facts about how beneficial the move to hybrid/remote work was, whether they saw themselves going back to the office full time and how people prefer to communicate when working remotely.

Ecommerce Statistics And Trends 2022: Purchasing During Covid, Fraud Increase, Green Commerce – WebsiteBuilderExpert

WebsiteBuilderExpert has put together an interesting report on how Covid impacted Ecommetce in 2022, the state of the Ecommerce market around the world, how people are paying for good and services online and much more.

There’s some interesting information on the importance of “green Ecommerce” where companies provide transparency and traceability for their products, offset their carbon footprint and more.

The Beginner’s Guide To Calligraphy – UPrinting

When I was at school as part of penmanship we were taught calligraphy. It’s something I enjoyed but have sadly forgotten most of the techniques over the years.

If you want to up your card writing game, or try a new hobby then UPrintng has put together a guide on the history of calligraphy, the types of calligraphy you might want to try out and some great videos on how to go about it.

Free Online Quiz Maker – Jotform

Don’t have the time to create your online quiz from scratch? Just choose one of Jotform’s classic form templates or make quizzes more fun with conversational ready made quiz templates which you can customize for your classroom or other use.

Whether you need spelling quizzes, pop quizzes, or trivia quizzes, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for in Jotform’s selection of free templates.

Career Guidance For Students – The Ultimate Manual – GoodVitae

If you’re leaving College or University next year, you might already be thinking about what path your career will take. It’s a rather daunting prospect and how do you make the right choice?

GoodVitae has put together a list of tips that will help you focus on your career goals, what you want to achieve and hopefully help you find your dream job after graduation.

10 Fictional Houses And Their Nonfictional Mortgage Costs – Rocket Mortgage

How much would it cost to live in Hobbiton? Or what about if the Weasley’s put their house on the market?

Rocket Mortgage have put together a fun little guide on what a variety of fictional houses would cost to mortgage.

If you could buy any fictional house, which one would you choose? Let us know in the comments below!

The Insomnia Guide – Mattress Nerd

We all have the occasional night when we can’t sleep but for some the sleepless nights can go on for a considerable period of time which can cause a whole host of issues from not being able to concentrate and elevated stress levels to even more severe health problems.

In this article, Mattress Nerd goes through the symptoms, causes and some treatments for insomnia which might help if you’re struggling to get a decent night’s sleep.

Exercises For Seniors – Directory Of Scientific Studies – Seniors Mobility

This article has combined over 100 (if not more) studies into a variryt of exercises suitable for seniors (but could be extended to people with movement issues or disabilities).

You can filter the studies by exercise type such as core, flexibility, balance etc. and then see the relevant studies, their methods and conclusions.

It’s a great tool to use if you’re looking to put together an exercise routine for an older relative – or are even looking for some exercise ideas for yourself.

How To Build A Resume Website – pixpa

Even a few years ago, if you wanted to get your resume in front of a potential employer you’d fire up Word, use a template (or come up with your own design), print off a few copies and mail them out.

Things have changed a bit now and you need to stand out from the crowd when it comes to your CV/Resume, they need to be more accessible, and to more people. So how do you go about that?

Pixpa has put together a guide to creating a “resume website” – a simple one page site that replaces your standard paper resume – and has 15 things you need to include, some examples and how you can create a site for free.

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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