7 Hacks & Habits That’ll Help You Jump Out Of Bed Fresh Every Morning
Dragging ourselves out of bed has to be the most challenging thing we all do every morning. Most of us keep hitting the snooze button over and over again, for those extra 10 minutes of sleep, and yet have a lousy day. So what is it that we need to change, what can we do better? Here, we’ve penned down seven hacks, and habits that’ll help you wake up fresh in the morning, every day.

Dragging ourselves out of bed has to be the most challenging thing we all do every morning. Most of us keep hitting the snooze button over and over again, for those extra 10 minutes of sleep, and yet have a lousy day. So what is it that we need to change, what can we do better?
Here, we’ve penned down seven hacks, and habits that’ll help you wake up fresh in the morning, every day.
1. Perfect Room Temperature
One of the essential things for waking up fresh in the morning is to have a perfect sleep with an ideal room temperature. According to research, the best temperature to sleep in is around 65 degrees. The room temperature you would prefer to sleep in varies slightly, depending upon your comfort level and where you live. But mostly, the recommended temperature is between 60-68 degrees Fahrenheit. Because while sleeping, the body temperature takes a dip; thus, suitable room temperature and humidity levels will help you sleep better and, as a result, wake up fresh.
Moreover, to maintain the perfect room temperature, you can always use Cielo Breez Smart AC controllers. They help you set the ideal temperature for the night by giving you the flexibility to keep a temperature range of your choice. You can even automate your home temperature, as per your needs, using Cielo Comfy mode. These functions allow you to have a rested, deep-sleep, which will undoubtedly lead to you being fresher in the morning.
2. Use an Alarm Clock Instead of Your Cell Phone
We all depend upon alarm clocks to wake up on time. And inevitably, we rely on our phone alarms. However, it’s always best to use an old fashioned alarm clock instead of the alarm on your mobile phone and put your phone aside.
The problem with mobile phones is that they keep disturbing you all night, with constant notifications buzzing regularly. Even if your phone is on silent, it still vibrates and might cause disturbance while you’re asleep. And disturbed sleep is one of the many reasons why we feel lousy in the morning. Therefore, you should keep your phone away and use an old fashioned alarm clock to have a night of uninterrupted sleep.
3. Never Skip Breakfast
Not to sound like your mom, but if you’re skipping your breakfast, you won’t have the energy to get your day started. Suppose you’re someone who doesn’t feel like having breakfast because you feel nauseous. Well, let us tell you that having an empty stomach is often the reason for morning sickness. We think eating something would make us sick, but it’s not eating food that is getting us nauseous in actuality.
In addition to that, it’s imperative to realize that your stomach has been empty for a good 7-8 hours, and yes, it may lead to a loss of appetite, yet, your body still needs food.
Your mornings will tend to be more energetic if you have breakfast, more importantly, a healthy breakfast (preferably a mix of carbs, protein, and fat). You may struggle a little to keep up with this habit, but once you get used to it, you’ll feel the difference in your energy.
Think about it this way, your car won’t work until it is filled with fuel, and if you give it better fuel, it will work even better. Likewise, if you give your body healthy food, it will work better and make you fresher.
4. Bedtime Dedication Can Do Wonders
What most of us do wrong is that we go to sleep with gazillion thoughts on our minds, and thinking about them leaves us stressed out. It’s a proven fact that you sleep better if you’re stress-free and, consequently, wake up fresh in the morning. And what’s better than yoga or a quick meditation to release everything you’re holding on to before you dive into a peaceful sleep.
Doing yoga will help relax your muscles and make it easier for you to doze off. With a clear mind, you’ll have a sound sleep waking up fresh in the morning and have an energetic day ahead.
5. Embrace the Sun
When you’re asleep, you may need a dim-lighted, calm, and cosy space, but you need to let the sunshine in when waking up. When you feel tired, it’s because of the hormone melatonin in your body. And in the absence of light, your melatonin increases. Hence your body needs to get exposed to natural light to reduce the melatonin levels and make you less tired. It’s preferable to wake up to the sun’s rays and not to any artificial source of light. So make sure to push your curtains aside after getting up from bed in the morning to embrace the sunlight.
6. Organization Is the Key
We all hate mornings and keep feeling lethargic throughout because of the rushed feeling we get. So, what can you do to avoid such a mindset? Well, for the most part, you need to get more organized and be well prepared for the day ahead. You should always arrange everything for the next morning, at night. Be it your bag, work files, or even your clothes for the next day. Everything should be all set beforehand.
And then, when you get up the next morning, you wouldn’t have to worry about doing everything simultaneously. Everything would be ready and in place.
You can also make use of some handy applications to help keep your work organized!
7. Sleep Well
Finally, and above all, you’ve got to sleep on time to be fresh in the morning. As evident as it is, a decent 7-9 hours of sleep is immensely significant for you to be fresh in the morning.
Furthermore, if you’ve trouble sleeping on time, there is one necessary thing that you need to do, i.e., switch off all your electronics, e.g., your phone, laptop, TV, or your music system, at least an hour before you go to sleep. It is also advised not to consume any alcohol or caffeine right before you’re about to sleep, or else you’ll spend the entire night tossing and turning, leading to disturbed sleep.
Don’t you feel like adding these little changes to your routines will make your mornings a lot better? Start practicing these from today, and you’ll be able to see the difference in just a few weeks.