Weekly Round-Up #227: Splitting The Bill, Hidden Spaces And Sad Home Offices


This week we look at how you should split the bill in certain situations (and I have strong feelings about this!), some places of interest that have hidden spaces you never knew about and some really, really terrible home offices.

Weekly Round-Up #227: Splitting The Bill, Hidden Spaces And Sad Home Offices
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you have a fun and productive week.

This week we look at how you should split the bill in certain siutations (and I have strong feelings about this!), some places of interest that have hidden spaces you never knew about and some really, really terrible home offices.

41 Percent Of Americans Pinch Pennies When Dining Out With Friends: Technology To Blame? – Mint

Splitting the bill is one of those social things that really annoys me. When I go out I usually don’t have a starter or a dessert, am usually drinking a soft drink and then I’m expected to split evenly with people who’ve had 2 courses and a bottle of wine each – not fair guys! So, if you want to know the best way to split the bill in a variety of situations then this article and infographic has you covered.

How Does Technology Increase Workplace Productivity – Innovative Techology Solutions

If you’re wondering why your employees are always telling you to upgrade your tech systems but you haven’t because you can’t see the benefits then this article should explain it all.

The Rise Of Chatbots: How AI Is Changing Customer Service – Ring Central UK

Love them or loathe them, chatbots are here to stay and they’re only going to get more human-like and intelligent. They’re a useful first port of call for people interacting with your website answering and providing basic information which frees up your support department to deal with more urgent requests.

Free Online Excel Training: Perfect For Beginners – Learn Excel Today! – Spreadsheeto

Excel is an insanely powerful tool – if you can figure out how to use it! There’s quite a steep learning curve and you probably won’t need to use a lot of the functionality but there are some functions that can really speed along your work processes. If you want to start getting more proficient with Excel then check out the free online courses from Spreadsheeto which will get you started.

22 Science-Backed Ways To Invest In Yourself – Lexington Law

We all know that we need to be investing in a business or a pension, but how about investing in yourself? This article looks at 22 ways you should be making time for yourself in terms of money, health and self-improvement.

How To Work Out At Home Without Equipment – MMA Station

I haven’t been to a gym since I left University (it was free and I hate paying for things) so I do try and work out at home as much as I can. the problem is without a lot of equipment it can be difficult to get a decent workout. MMA Station have put together a massive guide on how to exercise at home and list some great exercises that require little or no equipment. So now you have no excuse!

Brits With Motorhomes Are Loving "Staycations" – Erwin Hymer Centre

Over the past couple of years we’ve actually had a "proper" summer here in the UK so a large number of Brits have decided to stay at home and save on their holidays. So, if you rent a motorhome or caravan, where’s the best place to go? Motorhomes.co.uk have a great chart to help you plan this years summer trips.

Increase Employee Productivity From Remote Workplaces Through Virtual Meetings – CiviCom

One of the previous companies I worked for had its head office in France so it wasn’t feasible for us to have face-to-face meetings (unfortunately). Technology allowed us to have regular meetings which was a great productivity booster and with communication technology advancing at a rapid pace it’s now even easier to engage with remote colleagues.

How To Boost Your Photography Skills On Instagram: Experts Reveal Their Tips – O2

I wish I had one of those instagram accounts that you drool over because all of the pictures are beautifully composed in gorgeous locations. Instead it’s random pictures of food and pictures of my cats trying to eat my food (follow me on instagram here). So when I was pointed in the direction of the O2 Sessions site that teaches you to take awesome photos I knew I had to share it with you so we can all have a dreamy instagram feed!

Step Inside The Hidden Spaces In Famous Landmarks – Vibrant Doors

Did you know that there were secret rooms in the Eiffel tower and Statue of Liberty? Me neither! Vibrant doors has put together a list of the locations with the best secret spaces – if you’ve managed to visit any of these let us know in the comments!

Exactly What Motivates You To Shine In Life, According To Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type – Well+Good

I love a good article on Myers-Briggs personality types and this one takes a look at your Myers-Briggs personality type and lets you know what motivates you – I’m INTJ and it’s pretty accurate – how about yours? Let us know in the comments.

Five Tips For More Productive Monotasking When You Work Alone – Fast Company

If you work from home it can be very easy to get distracted by a variety of task – work related or otherwise. This article looks at the concept of ""monotasking"" which is sticking to a single task. This may be for a set amount of time as you would with the Pomodoro technique, or setting a whole day based around a task or theme.

How To Find Your Most Productive Hours Of The Day (The Natural Rhythm Experiment) – Thrive Global

How do you find out when your most productive hours are? You may think that you work best at 10am but do you really? This article shows you how you can measure your productivity throughout the day and work out when you’re at your most productive.

10 Ways To Customize The Windows 10 Start Menu – How To Geek

The Windows 10 start menu is, to be frankly honest, a colossal pain in the backside. There are some ways you can customise it though and thanks to HowToGeek.com you can figure out the best way to make it work for you. Personally I ignore it completely and just use Cortana!

Most Depressing Home Offices Ever – Sad And Useless

For our weekly Round-Up Funny this week we have the most depressing (read: disgusting) home offices of all time. Now I know that mine can get in a bit of a state as I only take my paper recycling out once every couple of weeks (it’s collected every fortnight so don’t judge, okay?!) but I have to say some of these really take the biscuit!

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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