7 Reasons Why You Should Regularly Clean And Declutter Your Home


Nobody questions that keeping a clean house is a necessity. Regular cleaning is what everybody agrees should be done, but in practice, sometimes people end up doing it sporadically and then a lot of mess piles up, and then it’s necessary to use expensive solutions that need a lot of time to bring back everything in order. Let’s try to inspire you to regular cleaning by giving you a couple of good reasons for it.

7 Reasons Why You Should Regularly Clean And Declutter Your Home
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Nobody questions that keeping a clean house is a necessity. Regular cleaning is what everybody agrees should be done, but in practice, sometimes people end up doing it sporadically and then a lot of mess piles up, and then it’s necessary to use expensive solutions that need a lot of time to bring back everything in order. Let’s try to inspire you to regular cleaning by giving you a couple of good reasons for it.

1. Injury

Maybe it seems like an obvious thing to say, but too much clutter in your home can lead to serious injuries. It’s very easy to trip and fall in an overcrowded hall, while also breaking something else in the process. Freak accidents do happen, unfortunately. Things that can fall off shelves which weren’t stored appropriately can seriously hurt you or your children. Concussions are frequent when an accident like that happens. You need to make sure there is a lot of open space for walking, so there is no danger of tripping on anything. Store things in a secure way and bolt the shelves.

2. Allergies

Allergies only get worse in poorly cleaned homes. This is why you need to dust frequently, install air filters, clean your carpets and drapes, as well as bedding. Of course, allergies can have numerous causes, but they are often created and worsened in a dirty environment.

3. Workout while cleaning

Every time you get on to cleaning, you burn calories and build muscles. All those activities – scrubbing, squatting, lifting and pushing things – are a proper workout for you. A useful tip: you should time your cleaning session, so you can try and break your record next time, burning calories even more.

4. Sanitation

An irregularly cleaned home becomes a home for bacteria, viruses, and germs. The bathroom and the kitchen are the rooms that have to be cleaned most frequently with disinfectants used specifically to fight them. Every item should be cleaned and wiped a couple of times a week in order to prevent the growth of bacteria, which ultimately prevents people from getting ill. You need to set a schedule for this so that you don’t forget it – set a few days when you get to do it.

5. No unwanted insects or animals

Quickly cleaning any food spill is a good way to prevent pests such as bugs, insects or mice from appearing in your home. If you regularly declutter your home, it is easier to notice an infestation and deal with it. You can’t always help it, but if you can control the clutter, it will be easier to find the source of the problem – experts from companies such as Pestworks know that when it comes to dealing with pests, you shouldn’t wait until it becomes obvious – the worst sanitation issues are not always visible.

6. Creativity

It is a fact that creativity can go wild in a clean, decluttered space. If you are busy getting annoyed about the mess in your home, you definitely won’t be working on your creativity. Whatever you enjoy doing, whether it’s dancing, writing, painting or reading – it will be much more effective and beneficial for you if you do it in an organized and clean environment.

7. Mental health

There are studies that have proven the influence of an uncluttered environment on one’s mind. If you feel angry, stressed or anxious, take a look around – a messy home can cause all of these problems. The sole act of cleaning is a tool for reducing stress, actually, so don’t avoid it if you feel stressed – get down to work, and you will feel better and sleep better that same day.

All in all

Although most of us have much bigger problems on daily basis than cleaning our home, it is possible to be more disciplined about regular cleaning and help ourselves in the process. Our mental and physical health will definitely be improved.

About The Author
Hannah Thomas is a gardening and home décor enthusiast. Garden is the place where she feels most comfortable, that’s why there are always a lot of books and empty coffee cups on the back porch. Always learning, exploring and smiling.
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