October 18, 2024

Weekly Round-Up #208: A Year In Review 2018


It’s that time of year where we take a look back at what we’ve accomplished here on Flipping Heck over the past 12 months – and what have been the most read posts and downloaded files.

Weekly Round-Up #208: A Year In Review 2018
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Welcome to the final round-up of 2018. In this round-up I’m continuing the tradition of looking back over the past year at the content on Flipping Heck, taking a look at what’s been the most popular content.

If you’d like to check out previous years you can view 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014

Popular Articles

This year has seen the Top 10 most popular articles change quite a lot – the 7 Habits posts have dropped in popularity and more organsiational tools have taken over. So, without further ado, here are the most posts that you liked the most (in reverse order).


10. 6 Greatest Challenges Of Moving To A New City

I Guess a lot of readers are considering making a move to a new city – whether that be for a job or to relocate with family. In this article Leila Dorari covers everything you’ll need to consider from managing your budget to building new relationships.

6 Greatest Challenges Of Moving To A New City
It's getting to that time of year where students are preparing to leave their homes and head off to Universities and Colleges for the first time. In this Article, we take a look at some of the challenges you may face when moving away

9. FlipPlan Printable Planner

Still a popular tool, the FlipPlan allows you to link your Google Calendar to our great tool and print your monthly tasks in a handy pocket-sized format.

Flipping Heck Reader Survey
If you could spare some time to answer the following survey questions I’d be most appreciative....

You Might Also Like: FlipPlan – Printable Planner

FlipPlan – Printable Planner
Welcome to the newest downloadable planner from Flipping Heck. To start creating your FlipPlan straight...

8. How To Use A Personal Kanban Board

Kanban boards are a great way to visualise your tasks and see what stages they are at, what needs to be done urgently and what can be left until later. It seems that Kanban is becoming a more popular task management tool.

How To: Use A Personal Kanban Board
Kanban isn't a new method for managing your to-do lists, but it's certainly kept itself quite in terms of personal productivity. In this post I look at how to use Kanban Boards to manage your to-do lists and keep track of your important tasks.

7. How To Bullet Journal: The Ultimate Guide To Getting Started

Bullet Journaling is becoming a bit phenomenon – especially on the back of the release of Ryder Carroll’s book* – but I think some people are missing the basic point of the system – it’s supposed to be about organisation but people are using it as more of an artistic outlet which is why I put together this guide.

How To Bullet Journal: The Ultimate Guide To Getting Started
You may have heard of the organisational technique called "Bullet Journaling" as a way to get your to-dos, calendars and someday/maybe lists under controls. If you'd like to start bullet journaling but don't know where to begin then this guide covers all the basics

*Affiliate Link

6. The Top 7 Highest Paying Jobs For Digital Nomads In 2018

People want flexibility in their lives and working for yourself certainly offers that opportunity – especially if you want to be able to work from any location. You need to make a decent wage though in order to be able to live (and continue traveling) so these are 7 jobs you are able to do on the move.

Top 7 Highest Paying Jobs For Digital Nomads
Do you want more freedom in your life whilst still being able to earn a living? Then perhaps you should consider a "Digital Nomad" career that allows you the freedom to earn a good wage and travel the world at the same time.

5. 7 Habits: Habit 2 Start With The End In Mind

This habit has moved up 5 places from number 10 last year and I think the fact that it revolves around focusing on what we want to achieve and setting our goals shows how much importance these are now taking in our lives.

7 Habits: Habit 2 – Start with the end in mind
In Habit 2 we discover the importance of knowing what we want the outcomes of our interactions with others to be. There is no point investing time and emotional energy if we don't know what we want to get out of the situation.

4. My “Killer” GTD Setup

It’s nice to think that a system I developed almost 12 years ago is still inspiring people. I will admit it’s a bit dated now (I didn’t have a smartphone at the time of writing) but over the past few years I have been updating readers on my evolving system. How I’m planning in getting things done in 2019 will be out soon and you can read how I planned to get things done in 2018 and how I plann ed to get things done in 2017

You Might Also Like: My “Killer” GTD setup

My “Killer” GTD setup
If you're looking to organise all of your tasks in a single place then you can't go far wrong with a pocket sized notebook, In this article I look at how I organise a range of tasks across my daily life and sort them

3. 7 Habits Free Worksheet

The 7 Habits Worksheet is proving to be a popular addition to the website. It allows you to work through all 7 habits, noting down what you have already achieved, need to achieve and want to achieve. If you’ve not downloaded it yet and are a subscriber, you can access it from the resource section or you can join our newsletter and get your free copy by filling out the form below.

2. 7 Habits – Habit 5: Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood

Knocked off the top spot from last year, Habit 5 is still a popular resource for readers here on the blog. Habit 5 looks at how we can see things from another persons point of view – a valuable tool for people in any walk of life.

7 Habits – Habit 5: Seek first to understand then to be understood
Habit 5 looks at seeing things from someone else's perspective. If we are to be able to have a meaningful conversation with someone we first need to understand their needs and frame of reference - only then can we achieve a Win/Win outcome.

1. Free Pomodoro Printable Planner

Moving up from the number two spot the Pomodoro Printable Planner is proving to be as popular as ever with readers who obviously like the idea of breaking their tasks down into managable chunks.

FlipPomodoro: Free Pomodoro Printable Planner
Following on from Monday's post, I've put together a free downloadable planner for you to manage your Pomodoro task and time tracking. Click through to read how to use the free FlipPomodoro Planner

Most Popular Downloads

There have been 2827 downloads over 330 days – that’s over 8 a day which is a great result for us – we’re so pleased that you’re enjoying our content and hope to provide you with even more great downloads in the future.

So, here are the most popular downloads from 2018 in reverse order:

Merry Christmas 2023 From The Flipping Heck Team
The team at FlippingHeck.com would like to wish all our readers a Merry Christmas. Thank you for your continued support over the past 12 months, we hope that you've found our content valuable and we'll see you again in 2024!

10. Daily Schedule – A5 & Happy Planner Compatible

Daily Schedule – A5 & Happy Planner Compatible
Do you struggle to fit everything into one day? Me too! There are ways that you can start to manage your time in order to get all your important tasks done and still find time for some well earned "me time" too.

9. Gamify Your Day Tracker

You Might Also Like: Gamify Your Day Tracker

Gamify Your Day Tracker
The "Gamify Planner" allows you to assign scores to a variety of tasks that you need to work on that day. Track all of the tasks you need to accomplish and assign them scores to increase your productivity and likelihood of completion.

8. May Happy Planner Set

You Might Also Like: May Happy Planner Set

May Happy Planner Set
The Happy Planner Set for May includes: – Month Divider – "This Month" page: What's you're reading, doing, important dates etc. – Weekly Pages (left and right)

7. January Themed Planner Insert Kit – Multi-Planner Download

January Themed Planner Insert Kit – Multi-Planner Download
There are 69 insert designs available in this kit so it doesn't matter what size planner you have - you're covered with this FREE download! So whether you have a Happy Planner, Filofax or personal planner there's an insert for you.

6. February Themed Planner Kits – Multiple Sizes

February Themed Planner Kits – Multiple Sizes
With 72 sizes/layouts this kit is styled in a dark blue this kit is a perfect colour for the winter month of February with the cover and dashboard showing a snowdrop to herald the coming of spring.

5. Sticker Set 001 – Household Chores, Finances and Games

Sticker Set 001 – Household Chores, Finances and Games
This sticker set is perfect for any planner type. It will print on A4 or Letter labels (and has a gap to allow for printing on 2x A5 labels also). The set includes stickers to remind you to clean, do laundry, take your kids

4. FlipTimeBox

You Might Also Like: FlipTimeBox

This download allows you to manage your timeboxes in paper format. Whether you want to work in 60, 30 or 15 minute boxes this download will help you work out your timetable. Check out the original “TimeBoxing: What is it and how to use it

3. Harry Potter Happy Planner Cover / A5 Dashboard

Harry Potter Happy Planner Cover / A5 Dashboard
This Happy Planner Cover can be resized to make a great Happy Planner dashboard or A5 Planner Dashboard. Perfect for any Harry Potter Fan you can manage your own mischief in your MAMBU Happy Planner or A5 Filofax or Planner There are 3 files in the

2. 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People Worksheet

7 Habits Of Highly Effective People Worksheet
Download your free 11 page "7 Habits Of Highly Effective People" Worksheet and learn how you're already using Stephen Covey's core principles of being an effective employee, family member, friend and human!

1. Pomodoro Time Tracker

You Might Also Like: Pomodoro Time Tracker

Pomodoro Time Tracker
If you're a fan of the Pomodoro technique and paper-based planning then this planner is for you. The FlipPomodoro allows you to write down all of your tasks and mark off your Pomodoros and breaks against them so you can keep track of how

I’m glad that you all found my downloads so useful – keep an eye on the website for even more great downloads that will be coming your way in 2019 and if you have any suggestions for downloads that you’d like to see please drop me a note through the contact form.

If you prefer something a little more physical then check out our ProductivityDirect Etsy Store where you can buy stickers, planners and much more.


Here’s to a fun and productive 2019.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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