Weekly Round-Up #57: Kondo takes over the world, Envelopes to fix finances and Stickers abound!

Weekly Round-Up #57: Kondo takes over the world, Envelopes to fix finances and Stickers abound!


It would seem that Marie Kondo is everywhere these days and this post is no different I’m afraid! Can Kondo sort your calendar as well as your kitchen? And can a simple envelope fix your budgeting woes? Read on to find out!

Kondo takes over the world, Envelopes to fix finances and Stickers abound!
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Welcome to this weeks round-up where we take a look at how Marie Kondo isn’t just about sorting closet space, how to increase space if you’re short of it and some free planning printables for you to enjoy.

21 Ways To Simplify Your Life Right Now – Embracing Simple Blog

This is a good list of small changes you can make to make your life easier. I have to admit that number 3 on the list made me feel a bit guilty, I’ve just folded my laundry put I stuck it in a basket to iron later rather than put it straight away – the problem of not using a dryer I guess!

Is Marie Kondo’s Radical Approach to Kitchen Organization Right for You? – The Kitchn

If you read my post on Productivity Trends for 2016 you’ll know that I think Marie Kondo’s going to take over the world (again) this year with her new book Spark Joy (affiliate link). I’ve not read it yet (it does look very pretty on my bookshelf though!) but this post from The Kitchn taking a look at her ideas on kitchen organisation is an interesting read. If you’re a regular user of your kitchen (which apparently Kondo isn’t) then you may find some of what she proposes at odds with the way a real kitchen work. I for one can’t see me lugging my coffee machine in and out of a cupboard every day. What do you think? Drop me a line in the comments and let me know if kitchens should be clutter free or tidy but have stuff on surfaces.

Is Your To-Do List Taking Over Your Life? It Might Be Time to KonMari Your Calendar – Huffington Post Lifestyle

Apparently you can apply Marie Kondo’s techniques to more that tidying closets and debating whether you should hide your kitchen gadgets in a cupboard, it works on your calendar too, who knew!

15 Bedroom Organization Tips to Make the Most of a Small Space – Tip Hero

If you’re short of space in your bedroom (or any room for that matter) then this post offers some great space-saving and space generating tips. I’ve recently given myself 4 extra shelves by getting a slim-line unit that fits nicely at the bottom of my bed, but there are a few clever ideas here for you to try if you need to make a bit more room.

Blank Label Templates – OnlineLabels.com

I’ve recently started designing some stickers for my planner and this website is great if you need to find templates to print on. You can find labels to fit most major manufacturers styles so there’s no need to try an match an old product code with their new range you just need the sizes!

I’ll be releasing some of my stickers soon so make sure you’re signed up to my newsletter so you can download them as they’ll be for subscribers only.

Oh, and to plug myself again, my 2016 continuous dated horizontal planner is currently half-price in my Etsy store!

Free Planner Printables – Just Soom! Planning Happiness

Sticking with planner things, check out this great blog from Soomi who provides some fantastic looking free planner printables for you to decorate your planners with.

The Envelope System Explained – Dave Ramsey

If you’re still looking for a way to manage your budget in 2016 you might want to check out the “Envelope System”. In a nutshell you put some money in an envelope at the start of the month and only spend that money on its allocated use. This seems a simple way to keep track of your budget, although I’m not sure how much flexibility the system will offer in the long run. What do you think? Would this budgeting system work for you? Let me know in the comments.

2 Ways To Achieve Greater Productivity If You Work From Home – T. Harv Eker

I like the concept of having a “high productivity area” that no-one else can enter. This may be problematic with children or animals running riot but I’m sure they’ll get the message sooner or later! The idea of high efficiency time and play time as scheduled times is also an interesting concept to look into too.

5 Tips to Help You Get Through Your To-Do List – Entrepreneur

I’ve put this in the weeks round-up to see what you guys think about estimating how long each task will take (which I understand completely) and then moving them to your calendar which I always thought was a really big “no-no” in terms of task management: calendars are for events and to-do lists are for tasks surely? What are your thoughts, do you achieve more by calendaring tasks or writing them on a separate to-do list? Let me know in the comments or drop me an email.

Have a great weekend

This round-up is a bit shorter than I’d like, mainly because my ahem lovely computer decided to wipe the post I’d spent over an hour writing so, you know, thanks for that Chromebook!

Speaking of my Chromebook I’ll be writing a review of it soon, I’ve had it for around 6 months now so I think I’ve come across most of it’s good (and bad) points. Are there any specific questions you want answering? If so, then let me know.

And don’t forget to Sign Up For The Newsletter so you can get access to your Free February Planner!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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