Exciting Ways To Use Photo Balloons

Exciting Ways To Use Photo Balloons


Gone are the days whereby party decorations merely consisted of plain balloons. Nowadays you can have your balloons printed to incorporate an array of different messages and pictures. This has been a fantastic progression because it allows events to be made more personalised. This offers a great opportunity for all occasions; from birthdays to business launches to hen parties. And out of all the printed balloon possibilities, photo balloons, in particular, have really soared in popularity. People love the opportunity to put a picture of themselves or the person who the event is about on the balloons at the occasion. Read on to discover some innovative and exciting uses for these balloons.

Purple balloon on a yellow background
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Gone are the days whereby party decorations merely consisted of plain balloons. Nowadays you can have your balloons printed to incorporate an array of different messages and pictures.

This has been a fantastic progression because it allows events to be made more personalised. This offers a great opportunity for all occasions; from birthdays to business launches to hen parties. And out of all the printed balloon possibilities, photo balloons, in particular, have really soared in popularity.

People love the opportunity to put a picture of themselves or the person who the event is about on the balloons at the occasion. Read on to discover some innovative and exciting uses for these balloons…

Photo balloons as part of gift wrapping

Most people tend to use balloons in order to decorate an event, so let’s begin with something a little bit different; presents. When you give someone a gift you want the wrapping to be as impressive as the present you have bought them. After all, if the wrapping paper is shabby or boring, people won’t feel excited about finding out what is inside of it. Nevertheless, if the present is wrapped beautifully then you can guarantee your gift will be the first one the person opens.

Photo balloons definitely ensure this is the case. Once you have wrapped the gift, make sure you wrap a ribbon around the box, and then attach the balloons to this ribbon with another piece. Not only will this look striking, but you can incorporate a photo of you and your friend on the front, and thus you don’t even need to buy a gift tag as your friend will know exactly who the present has come from.

Embarrass your friend on her hen do with photo balloons

Everybody knows that hen parties are all about embarrassing the bride to be, and what better way to do then with photo balloons? All you need to do is go on Facebook and have a look through the person’s photos in order to dig up some embarrassing snaps. Or, if you are having trouble then you can always get in touch with a family member for some funny photographs from when the person was younger.

Get a selection of photo balloons created with these images printed on them. This is a great way to decorate the venue of the hen party. Not only this, but it is a fantastic way to get the party started because it will give everyone something to talk about. This is an especially great ice breaker when everybody in attendance does not know each other too.

Ask someone to be your bridesmaid or flower girl

This is an idea we have seen a few people use now, and we really love it. You will need to get yourself a cardboard box and take advantage of a reliable parcel delivery service, however, that shouldn’t be too difficult. You then need to buy a balloon that says “pop me” and inside of the balloon it will say “will you be my bridesmaid?” There are quite a lot of companies that sell these balloons, or you could easily put them together yourself.

Photo balloons as a touching anniversary decoration

And finally, photo balloons are also fantastic when it comes to celebrating occasions related to love, such as an anniversary. After all, you can’t deny that balloons laced around the venue featuring photos of the happy couple won’t look adorable? This is always a nice surprise for the happy couple and thus if you are able to pop into the venue before everybody arrives this is something you should definitely consider doing.

When it comes to picking a photo to incorporate, a wedding picture is always a recommended choice. You can pick a photo of the couple on their wedding day, and then underneath you can put a phrase such as “twenty years to this day”. But no matter what you choose to go for, this is definitely something that will put a smile on the couple’s face and be appreciated by all of the guests.

So there you have it; three fantastic and innovative methods of using photo balloons. Nonetheless, these types of balloons are suitable for practically all occasions and thus you are bound to come up with other great ways of incorporating them into an event. Hopefully, these suggestions will have sparked off some inspiration and ideas. Nevertheless, if you are still struggling merely take a look on the internet, there are bound to be lots of great ideas.

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