November 22, 2024
Is There Flexible Part-Time Work Available In Houston?

Is There Flexible Part-Time Work Available In Houston?


Living in a city has its advantages. All of the amenities are within a short distance from a person’s home and just about any food is just a tap away on a Smartphone. Transit is accessible and easily found, but there is a downside as well: the cost of living can get steep. The cost of living in Houston isn’t as bad as some cities in the world, but a family of four needs about fifty thousand dollars a year just to meet basic annual costs. Factor in everything else that a family needs to be happy and well adjusted and that annual budget can double, especially when considering the cost of going to college for the kids. This is where the Upshift online platform for flexible part-time jobs play important role.

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Living in a city has its advantages. All of the amenities are within a short distance from a person’s home and just about any food is just a tap away on a Smartphone. Transit is accessible and easily found, but there is a downside as well: the cost of living can get steep.

The cost of living in Houston isn’t as bad as some cities in the world, but a family of four needs about fifty thousand dollars a year just to meet basic annual costs. Factor in everything else that a family needs to be happy and well adjusted and that annual budget can double, especially when considering the cost of going to college for the kids. This is where the Upshift online platform for flexible part-time jobs play important role.

It’s because of concerns like this that people are looking for extra ways to supplement their income. The problem is that a full-time job has set hours that can’t be interfered with by a part-time job. This is where fathers and mothers look for something with flexibility around their main job.


The Problem With Part-Time Work

The main issue with part-time work is that many employers who are looking for part-time employees usually want them to be flexible and not the other way around. The main reason for this is that many part-time jobs are based on people being hired to fill in for other employees who are sick and are on an “on-call” basis.

The better jobs involve filling in shifts that are part-time by their very nature. For instance, a shop has daily hours that range from eight in the morning to eight in the evening. A regular full-time job runs for about eight hours a day, leaving nights and weekends open, but there aren’t enough hours to create a full-time job for another person. There is, however, enough to create part-time work. The only issue is that one part-time position has set hours in the evenings and the other has set part-time hours during the days or evenings on the weekends.

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People looking for flexibility in their schedule won’t find it with most part-time jobs as they are at set times on set days. So, what other options are available?

What About Starting A Small Business?

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The major reason why people are likely to start a small business on the side is to get the flexibility that they want. It is, after all, something that anyone can do whenever they want, right? Wrong. Any small business owner will tell anyone how difficult and time-consuming a business can be. Yes, there is the benefit of being your own boss, but as it turns out, being your own boss usually means having a slave-driver for an employer.

Small business owners have a myriad of tasks to perform just to get that business started. Creating a new enterprise involves a great deal of paperwork and when it comes to a single employee business, one person has to do all of the work. That means that what was supposed to be a side job of earning some extra money can blow up into a full-time job or more, but may only still pay out part-time earnings.

Where Are The Flexible Hours?

The simple answer to that question is to look for the people who can guarantee flexible, part-time hours. If someone wants to be a temp worker, they should go to a temp agency. If someone is looking for flexible work, they should go to a company that specializes in them, like Upshift.

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The great thing about the Internet is that people can find anything they want on there, and yes, there are people who want employees who are looking for that flexible, hourly work to make a few bucks on the side.

The main thing to look for in these types of online markets is to find the ones that don’t let just anyone through the front door. It’s the companies that warn people that they have more stringent requirements for getting hired on that are the better ones to go for, otherwise, it’s really just a turkey shoot.

Upshift is one of the better sites to find flexible hourly work as only twelve percent of its applicants are approved and it has a streamlined processes for picking the shift work that workers want and also encourages people to build a profile that will attract potential employers. In other words, everybody wins.

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