5 Ways To Recover After A Work-Related Injury

5 Ways To Recover After A Work-Related Injury


Workplace injuries will require you to spend time off from the office. However, this can sometimes make you anxious about returning to work, especially if the injuries have significantly impacted you. This is reasonable considering you rely on your job to earn the money needed to sustain yourself and your family. Because of this, you desire to recover from the workplace injury as soon as possible and resume your normal work duties.

Office worker with back injury after falling from a chair
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Workplace injuries will require you to spend time off from the office. However, this can sometimes make you anxious about returning to work, especially if the injuries have significantly impacted you. This is reasonable considering you rely on your job to earn the money needed to sustain yourself and your family. Because of this, you desire to recover from the workplace injury as soon as possible and resume your normal work duties.

Fortunately, certain techniques make your road to recovery after a workplace injury a lot smoother and promote faster healing. Below are some of the ways to help faster recovery from your work-related injury:

1. Maintain Contact With Your Employer

The law protects you after a work-related injury by allowing you to take a leave of absence to give you time and recover. This helps ease your mind and avoid thinking of ideas like, ‘can I sue my employer?’ With that said, it’s best to keep your employer up-to-date with your progress as this helps to psychologically prepare them on how soon you might get back to work. This will also strengthen the bond between you and your employer, thereby easing your transition back to work when the right time comes.

Staying in touch with your employer also helps them know the necessary measures to be put in place to make your return to work a lot simpler. This is especially critical if there might be a need to change your duties or position because of your work-related injuries. It’s also advised not to feel pressured by the insurance company or employer into resuming your work duties before healing fully. Otherwise, you risk worsening your injury, delaying recovery, or even affecting your long-term employment prospects.

However, there is some hope. If you are to lose money from being off work for a long time, a reputable car accident lawyer can help you claim compensation for loss of earnings, medical expenses and damages.

2. Focus On Your Recovery

After a work-related injury, your goal is to return to work as soon as possible. However, you should avoid stressing yourself with such thoughts because recovery from a work-related injury can be slow and might take months or years before you can get back to work. Instead, your focus needs to be on getting well. This means maintaining a good attitude and taking the necessary action needed to boost your chances of making a full recovery.

When you focus on your recovery, it may take you a shorter period to get better. This is because your mind is less stressed about living expenses, medical bills, and insurance.

3. Listen To Your Doctor

You should listen to your doctor and rehabilitative therapists on your road to recovery following a workplace injury. After all, these professionals have the necessary training and expertise to know the best rehabilitation and recovery methods for your body. Therefore, you should obey all the recommendations and instructions they give you to recover from your work-related injury quickly.

It’s easy to be tempted into not doing this if failure to go to work is causing you to strain financially. In addition, spending time at home can, over time, become excessively boring and depressing. But if you decide to ignore your doctor’s directions and go back to work before their recommended timeline, it can increase the chance of worsening your injury. This is the last thing you want because you risk spending even a much longer time away from work.

Working in safety gear holding their back in pain

4. Request For Work Restrictions

Depending on the injury suffered, you might need to ask for reasonable work restrictions or accommodation following a workplace accident. Your requests can either be temporary or permanent, depending on the severity of your injury. Don’t be afraid to ask for this little help from your employer. Otherwise, you might push yourself to do your previously routine duties and, in the process, injure yourself.

Your doctor will help you know the specific accommodation to ask for when you get back to work, and they include:

  • Restricting your working hours during a single shift
  • Not lifting heavy items
  • Taking extra breaks to prevent overworking yourself
  • Instructing you not to stand for prolonged durations
  • Directing you not to crawl, kneel, or bend over

It’s important to follow these instructions while at work to reduce the likelihood of injuring yourself again

5. Stay Positive

Besides taking care of your physical well-being while recovering from a work-related injury, you also need to maintain a positive mindset. This is crucial because you want to give your body adequate time to fully recover without becoming anxious should this take more time than expected earlier. Otherwise, you risk getting into depression, which slows down your recovery process.

You need to surround yourself with loved ones during this recovery period to ease your mind from any stress you might have. This way, you’ll get the much-needed encouragement and support to promote faster recovery.


After a workplace injury, the road to recovery can be stressful for many. But this doesn’t have to be the case by following certain tips on keeping your mind and body in the best state during this process. This guide has done that by detailing the different ways you can make your road to recovery after the work-related injury smoother.

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