5 Ways to Incorporate Yoga Into a Busy Day


The discipline of yoga in its comprehensive form grants the practitioners with a sense of calmness, harmony, vitality, and wellness. We are well aware of the glorious benefits of yoga and its transformative powers. But, owing to the action-packed, modern life of the mankind, committing to a regular yoga practice seems to be an impossible task for many. In this article we look at how you can fit yoga into your day no matter how busy you are.

5 Ways to Incorporate Yoga Into a Busy Day
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The discipline of yoga in its comprehensive form grants the practitioners with a sense of calmness, harmony, vitality, and wellness. We are well aware of the glorious benefits of yoga and its transformative powers. But, owing to the action-packed, modern life of the mankind, committing to a regular yoga practice seems to be an impossible task for many.

The health regimen of the individuals of the fast-paced era gets crumbled under the heavy load of work-life balance, relationship troubles, and pseudo race to make more money and fame. On the road to commercial success, health and well-being are often left miles behind.

With days filled with meetings and long to-do lists, physical activities and yoga often occupy the last spot in our priority list. The art of yoga is a physical practice that can be seamlessly adjusted in and around the responsibilities. It is a mental attitude to remain peaceful and aware in the episodes of stress and a spiritual upliftment worth seeking.

In the midst of a busy lifestyle, give a boost to the physical and mental health with these five simple and effective techniques of including yoga on the go. Feel more vibrant and more powerful in just a few minutes.

1. Get Up & Personal and Mind your Breath At All Times

We are breathing every second taking about 23000 breaths every single day. Owing to our stressful lifestyle and overloaded work schedules many of us tend to breathe incorrectly. We take shallow breaths that result in less oxygen intake leading to the sensations of lethargy and lower focus levels.

The key is to notice how we breathe and to make it a good breath. Master the art of deep and slow breaths and yogic breathing techniques which are long and relaxed breaths taken in by using the lungs’ full capacity. This increases the oxygen intake and release of carbon dioxide that tranquilizes the brain and energizes the body. One can practice deep breaths while driving, standing in a queue waiting for the elevator, getting the kids ready or when in a situation of stress. When you are breathing smoothly and deeply, you are practicing yoga.

  • Inhale-Retain- Exhale: Take a deep inhalation, hold the breath for a count of five and exhale slowly for six counts. The exhale should be longer than the inhale each time
  • Relaxation Breathing: Breathe in through the abdomen filling the lungs and stomach with air and breathe out through the nostrils.
  • Triangle Breathing: First, breathe in and breathe out fully. Next, inhale, hold the breath and exhale for the same length of time. For instance, inhale for 4 counts, retain for 4 counts, and exhale for 4 counts.
  • Try Alternate Nostril Breathing, KapalBhati, and Sheetali Pranayama as well.

2. Stretch and Practice Yoga Asanas Wherever Possible

All day sitting in a chair with a hunched back and eyes glued to the screen is highly deteriorating for the health and the brain. The beauty of yoga is that it can be practiced anywhere, even in a chair!

Yoga Stretching

Practice chair yoga poses like: Chair cat-cow stretch, chair spinal twist, chair side angle pose, etc. In addition to this, perform some desk-stretching such as: neck stretch, side stretch, eagle arms, hamstrings stretch, upper back stretch, and so much more.

Benefits of Chair Yoga:

  • Lengthens the Spine
  • Opens the Hips and Shoulders
  • Alleviates Pain and Stress
  • Improves Blood Circulation
  • Enlivens the Spirits

Sneak in five-ten minutes from your busy schedule during lunch breaks or a short break to incorporate yoga. Keep a yoga mat handy and grab a peaceful spot wherever available for your daily asana performance.

Some simple asanas to do:

  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Stand Straight and stretch the hands upward.
  • Tree Pose (Vrksasana): Place right foot on the left thigh and fold the palms at the center
  • Camel Pose (Ustrasana): Sit halfway and reach back with your hands to grab the ankles.

3. Meditate in Morning or During the Day

The ancient science of yoga is extremely flexible in aspects of time and place. If you have 5-10 minutes in the morning, dedicate it to meditation and embrace serenity.

Meditation For stress relief

Take advantage of your traveling time to enhance your focus and mental peace. Sit straight on the public transport with face ahead and chant silently. Mothers can sing mantras to lullaby their kids to sleep. Listen to meditative sounds while driving. At work, use your meditative skills to focus and to be completely aware of the surroundings.

Recommended Meditation practices

  • Bring your attention to the breath and slowly to various parts of the body.
  • Become aware of each sensation passing through the body and relax every organ
  • Do not indulge in thinking. Keeping scanning the body, stay focused on breathing, and be in the moment.

4. Yoga After Dinner

Traditionally, practicing Vajrasana after dinner is ideal as it helps the food settle down properly and enhances the digestive fire. Child Pose (Balasana) can be practiced before bedtime for bringing the body into a relaxed state for good night sleep. Ancient texts recommend the performance of Plough Pose at a gap of 30 minutes between dinner and bedtime for augmenting the biological functions of the body.

Yoga After Dinner

5. Utilize Weekends and Ideal Time For Yoga

On weekends, invest more time in yoga practices. Take this opportunity to practice yoga early in the morning and in the evenings as well. Increase your length of duration of practicing the yoga asanas, pranayama, and meditation. We all like to spend our ideal time doing the activities we love the most. So, couple your activities with yoga. Instead of sitting on a couch for binge-watching, try stretching, foam rolling, massage with therapy balls.

Follow these tips to transform into a yogi even on a busy day. Do not include Yoga, Start Living It!

About The Author
Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveller in India. He organizes 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. Manmohan Singh conducts Yoga Teacher Training in India in different cities. He loves writing and reading books related to yoga, health, nature, Himalayas, and Trekking in India.
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Featured Image: Breathe in Foliage by Tim Goedhart on Unsplash
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