5 Tips To Handle Workplace Sexual Assault (A Short Guide For Businesses)
Every year the data for sexual assault cases at the workplace is presenting threatening figures worldwide. Therefore, major business players around the globe are taking serious actions and formulate sexual harassment policies at work. The role of policies is to provide a safe and supportive working environment and keep the business away from such scandals. Still, there are some companies that believe themselves immune from sexual harassment claims. Keep in mind, such companies are exposing themselves to potential disasters. Hence, it is mindful for companies to be prepared with sexual assault cases and take preventive steps in advance.

Every year the data for sexual assault cases at the workplace is presenting threatening figures worldwide. Therefore, major business players around the globe are taking serious actions and formulate sexual harassment policies at work. The role of policies is to provide a safe and supportive working environment and keep the business away from such scandals.
Still, there are some companies that believe themselves immune from sexual harassment claims. Keep in mind, such companies are exposing themselves to potential disasters. Hence, it is mindful for companies to be prepared with sexual assault cases and take preventive steps in advance.
Develop & Publicize A Formal Anti-Harassment Policy
Company’s policies should formulate policies where harassment of any kind should not be tolerated. Some of the major forms of assessments are commenting on the basis of age, nationality, religion, disability, gender, color, race, sex, or others where a person has legally protected status. If you are running a firm at Galveston you can consult with a sexual assault lawyer while formulating policies. The highly experienced professional guides you for the best policies and suggest legal strict actions in case of a sexual harassment case. It helps to protect employees and business image.
Educate Your Workforce
Educating employees at the time of initial hiring is the best way to communicate your message. Further, periodic training, discussion, and refresher courses should be provided to employees for guiding their seriousness about sexual harassment cases. You should also provide set examples of potential stereotypes and biases that lead to harassment. If someone is experiencing or witnessing, harassment should directly complain to authorities and his/her identity must be kept secret.
Address Romantic Relationships Between Employees
Romantic relationships between employees are a common concept in most organizations. But, many businesses take this concept seriously and formulate strict policies regarding relationships. Some of the large-scale organizations make it compulsory to sign a relationship contract from both members to keep business on the safer side. But in small businesses, it is not possible, especially for those who are dealing with 6-8 employees. Therefore, creating a romantic relationship policy is a perfect solution.
Set Up Multiple Options For Complaint Reporting
Setting up different layers of complaint lounging makes sense to promote an anti-harassment policy. Some companies hire two or more unrelated persons to address sexual harassment cases. One could be from the HR department and another can be external. Moreover, 24*7 hotline numbers to be provided to report complaints anytime. Note, the assigned person takes serious action after conducting a complete investigation of the matter.
Protect The Accuser
Once the employer receives a complaint against sexual assault at the workplace, taking immediate actions to protect employees becomes his responsibility. In some cases, employers look for transfer, change schedules, or give leaves to look into matters thoroughly. Moreover, you should also look for hired lawyers’ opinions to handle matters legally.
Final Words
Formulating the necessary sexual assault policies helps to reduce workplace sexual harassment incidence. Moreover, these regulations boost the work environment that results in more engaging employees, higher productivity, lower turnover, and fewer quality defects.