5 Tips For Managing Remote Employees

5 Tips For Managing Remote Employees


Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, most businesses and companies faced disruption in one way or another. Some businesses had to downsize or even close entirely. Others had to devise strategies to allow their employees to work from home. However, some managers have struggled to manage remote employees effectively, particularly the more traditional-minded ones. Some even discovered that they needed to loosen their reins slightly in order for the team to work.

llustration of a woman on a conference call working from home
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Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, most businesses and companies faced disruption in one way or another.

Some businesses had to downsize or even close entirely. Others had to devise strategies to allow their employees to work from home. However, some managers have struggled to manage remote employees effectively, particularly the more traditional-minded ones. Some even discovered that they needed to loosen their reins slightly in order for the team to work.

Below are some helpful tips to help you manage your employees remotely.

Set Clear Goals And Expectations

Working from home is not an easy task. As a result, you must create a clear picture in your employees’ minds of what you want to achieve and when. This cannot happen unless there is excellent communication. Because interactions have a limit, you must incorporate the most explicit modes of communication—messages and emails included.

Additionally, you have to see to it that everything aligns with the bigger picture. You have to keep your remote employers on the same page by regularly reminding them of the impact of their actions towards achieving the set goals.

By setting clear goals, you will help your remote team focus their energy on being productive. If possible, come up with both individual and departmental goals that have measurable outcomes. They will even feel like they are a part of something vast and essential.

One mistake most managers make is worrying about what the employers are doing. They end up contacting the employees now and then to ensure that everything is at par. One solution to make it easy for you and your employees is to examine what they have accomplished at the end of a set period.

Check-In Regularly

As they say, you cannot manage what you cannot measure. Thus, even after you set your entire team’s goals, you still have to follow up and check on their progress. For example, you can establish a routine where you hold a personal meeting with every remote employee daily. For example, through phone calls, email, or even text.

If every employer is working alone, one-to-one calls will come in handy. You can additionally have team calls for the employees working together.

Whatever the meeting mode you choose, ensure that all the meetings are consistent and comprehensive. This way, every employee will prepare well. And in each session, they will present their ideas and progress and answer all questions you might have.

These meetings should also act as a safe space where your employees can raise their concerns about matters affecting them as well as the problems they are having. This ensures that you as the manager can streamline everything, leaving no stone unturned.

Equip Employees With The Necessary Tools

Employees working from home face many distractions that can affect their attendance. This can adversely impact productivity. This calls for the use of a spoof-proof time and attendance tool that has the basics to record the employees’ working times.

These tools can also help you manage the workforce needs using the analytics provided. Additionally, the tools are practical when you want to create schedules that have accurate hours records.

Time tools improve the flexibility of your team. Once the workers start remotely, it is easier for them to manage their time. Some of them might decide to work once their children are off to bed or after dropping them at school. With a time tool, they will commit to completing the assigned tasks at a specific time.

On the other hand, with a good attendance tool, it will be possible for you to:

  • Review the employees’ time management Vs. their performance
  • Improve productivity by overcoming workflow bottlenecks
  • Ease your supervision and enhance accountability
  • Understand and identify the departments lagging. This will help you come up with solutions to solve such issues.
  • Account for all employees to prevent cyber attacks
  • Eliminate human error

Keep Remote Employees Engaged

Yes, remote working has its fair share of benefits. However, it also has some setbacks. When your employees are not confined in an office setting, they tend to feel less connected to their employer. If this goes unchecked, it can affect the performance and productivity of the business.

You have to keep your team engaged; it is necessary for a successful remote work setting. For example, you can host casual meetings and hangouts where the employers will engage in chats unrelated to work. They can even participate in fun activities, such as casual video calls. During these interactions, they can converse, laugh together, and share their experiences.

These meetings are not just limited to casual interactions only. You can also use video conferencing platforms to connect the whole team as a way of encouraging group collaboration.

Set Clear boundaries

One problem facing remote working, especially the teams that initially worked together physically, is not knowing the limits. You have to make it clear to them that working from home does not mean abusing their freedom.

For example, during the short breaks, the employees may engage in small activities such as walks, exercise, and coffee. However, this does not give the right to stream TV shows and movies during such breaks.

As much as you want to get the most out of your employees, you also have to be considerate. For example, do not expect them to be replying to your work emails instantly. Respect the available working hours and limit the conversations to them.

Take Away

A staggering 52% of the global workforce is currently limited to remote working at least once every week. This means that businesses have to cultivate an efficient remote working culture. However, with tips such as setting clear goals and expectations, it will be easier and more manageable for business owners worldwide.

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