5 Super Simple Eco Ways To Save Money This Winter In Your Home
You can only fight the biting cold of winter by using more energy and the more energy you use, the more money you spend. We all want to conserve energy and be more eco-friendly but at the end of winter, we often realize we’ve spent more energy and money than we bargained for. In this article we take a look at how you can make you home more eco-friendly and save money at the same time.
You can only fight the biting cold of winter by using more energy and the more energy you use, the more money you spend. We all want to conserve energy and be more eco-friendly but at the end of winter, we often realize we’ve spent more energy and money than we bargained for.
Besides heavy energy usage, your car or home could incur wintry problems that will have you making unexpected expenses. It’s therefore, important that you prepare ahead of winter. Check your roof for leaks or any damages that could get worse during winter and make sure your car is ready for winter. It’s a no-brainer that wearing extra layer of clothes and using energy-saving light bulbs will make you use less energy.
Other important tips that you shouldn’t ignore if you want to save money this winter include:
1) Blocking out the draught
This is one of the easiest ways to save energy that we often neglect. There are many ways to keep the draught out of your home, from sticking a bunch of newspapers in every gap to making use of hand-made draught excluders. Make sure your windows and doors are closed and plug up every open space. You can also get something to block your chimney with when it’s not in use.
Remember that preventing warm air from escaping through the space under doors or between windows will save you a lot of energy and money.
2) Insulate every corner of your home
If your home is not insulated, then all the money you spend on radiators or convections to heat up the building will be for naught. When there’s no form of internal/external insulation on your walls or lofts, any heat that enters your home leaves right away through the walls. Pull up a ladder and check out your loft, it’s got to be well insulated.
“If your in the UK You can apply for ECO (Energy Companies Obligation) funding if you’re eligible, to enjoy free or subsidised insulation solutions.” Property Refurbishment Finance Experts Hank Zarihs
3) Service or replace your boiler
Winter or no winter, it’s important that you regularly service your boiler to prevent leaks or carbon monoxide poisoning. Your boiler will also run more efficiently and live longer when you service it regularly. You need to ensure your boiler is in good shape before the cold weather creeps in. And if the boiler has been acting up a lot, you may want to consider getting a new one.
4) Switch room temperatures
This one is easy to forget but very necessary. Set the radiators at different temperatures for each room. Lower the temperatures in any room you’re not using to save more money. Having all the temperatures turned up in every part of your home won’t help your energy saving efforts. Moreover, going for energy efficient radiators would make a huge difference. Visit this website for designer & modern radiators if you don’t know which one would be the right one.
5) Bleed the radiators
This simply means releasing trapped air from your radiator. Your radiator is in need of a bleed-out if you notice any slow-to-heat units or cold spots when you turn it on. You should run a health check on your radiators before the weather turns. Trapped air prevents radiators from effectively heating up your home.
Take advantage of these eco-friendly tips and you will enjoy a warm home during winter without spending too much money or energy.