5 Signs You Should Consult A Workers’ Compensation Attorney

5 Signs You Should Consult A Workers’ Compensation Attorney


Workplace injuries are a matter of concern for employees because they can cause loss of income and even incapacitate them for life. Collaborating with an experienced workers compensation attorney is your best hope. Here are some signs you should consult an expert sooner rather than later.

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Workplace injuries are a matter of concern for employees because they can cause loss of income and even incapacitate them for life.

Fortunately, you can rightfully secure the compensation that you deserve. However, this may be easier said than done because you may have to deal with a hostile employer and a large insurance company that has deep pockets and a strong legal team.

Collaborating with an experienced workers compensation attorney is your best hope and it’s important that you feel comfortable dealing with them and have faith that they can take on your case and win. It’s best if you choose a company that is local to you so that you can meet them in person and figure out if you will be able to work well together. For example if you are based in Pennsylvania you may want to consider hiring a Pittsburgh workers compensation attorney so that they are familiar with your state laws and you don’t have to worry about delays in communicating with them.

In the article below we outline some signs you should consult an expert sooner rather than later.

Sign #1: Your employer denies your claim

There could be diverse reasons for a claim denial by your employer. These could vary from the employee not providing a notice of the injury or not having medical evidence of the injury. They can deny a claim if the Statute of Limitations has passed.

Apart from these valid reasons, your employer cannot refuse the claim of the employee. If they do, you should consult a lawyer right away to get a fair settlement for your injury.

Sign #2: You have been permanently injured

A severe injury in a workplace accident, such as a missing limb or loss of vision often ends up causing permanent disabilities. You may lose your ability to work and earn money permanently.

It is best to connect with a personal injury law firm that handles workers’ compensation cases too because you probably have a solid claim that comes under both the laws. The insurance company would try to twist the case in their favor but a seasoned lawyer will get you the claim value you deserve.

Sign #3: You are getting inadequate benefits

Another reason to hand over your case to an expert workers compensation attorney is when your benefits are inadequate. This goes for cases when the victim does not start getting benefits on the stipulated dates or they are stopped suddenly. The sooner you involve a legal professional, the better will your chances be for getting the benefits you ought to receive after a workplace injury.

Sign #4: The settlement value will not cover your losses

Workplace injuries often have multiple implications. There are medical bills to pay and loss of wages or permanent incapacity as well. Ideally, you should get a fair value settlement that covers all these losses but insurance companies will try everything they can to lower the compensation value.

If you feel that they are trying to take you for a ride, do not hesitate in getting expert legal consultation. A good attorney will make sure that your claim covers all your losses from start to end. It’s best to get in touch with experts who specialize in denied erisa claims.

Sign #5: Your employer retaliates after you file a claim

A negative attitude by an employer after a workplace accident is wrong from the legal and human perspective. In fact, there are laws that prohibit retaliatory actions such as demotions, pay cuts or changing a worker’s responsibilities after an injury at the workplace.

It is also illegal to fire workers who exercise their employment rights including worker’s compensation claims. And a lawyer can protect your rights in this event.

A workplace injury can change your life and can be as devastating as a serious accident. So you must definitely not give up on your rights and go the extra mile to get the compensation you deserve.  And hiring a legal expert is the first step in this direction.

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