5 Major Reasons To Install A Trash Chute In Your Building

5 Major Reasons To Install A Trash Chute In Your Building


A trash chute is a convenient and hygienic way to dispose of your trash. It is also known as garbage chute or waste chute. It’s a tube-like structure with an opening door on each floor of the building from where you can dump your trash. Sometimes its area is kept wider than a tube to accommodate large trash bags. In this article, we are going to explain the working of a waste chute. We will also elaborate on why you should install a trash chute in your building.

Trash bags and garbage
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A trash chute is a convenient and hygienic way to dispose of your trash. It is also known as garbage chute or waste chute. It’s a tube-like structure with an opening door on each floor of the building from where you can dump your trash. Sometimes its area is kept wider than a tube to accommodate large trash bags.

In this article, we are going to explain the working of a waste chute. We will also elaborate on why you should install a trash chute in your building.

Method Of Disposing Garbage Via Garbage Chute

When you dump your trash through the door of the trash chute, it goes to the building’s central trash dumpsters or roll-off bins. These trash dumpsters are generally located in the basement of the building. In giant or high-rise buildings, the trash from the garbage chute goes to the trash compactor directly.

Importance Of Trash Chute

A hygienic environment in your residential building protects against health hazards. Manual waste disposal is a cumbersome and unclean process. Imagine if a trash bag bursts open in elevators or stairs! A garbage-free society is a great USP to attract more tenants for both residential and official buildings. Especially when they know that there is an automated method for it.

If you are somehow still not convinced, these are the 5 primary reasons to install a waste chute in your building:-

1. Minimum Human Contact With Garbage

The residents directly dump the trash bag into the trash chute. This bag goes to either a trash dumpster or a trash compactor. In both cases, there is minimum hand contact with the garbage.

A trash dumpster is also loaded in a truck directly when it gets full. It is also done without any human contact. So you or no one else needs to carry stinky bags of garbage in their hands.

2. More Control Over Hygiene

When you are disposing of your garbage through a garbage chute only, you limit the area which can be contaminated with germs. And some chutes even come with automatic cleaning and sanitizing.

Thus there is less danger of any infection spreading in your society and building. The presence of rodents and insects in your building will also be controlled by installing the trash chute.

3. No Dependency on Manual Labour

In the absence of a garbage chute, you are dependent on the maintenance staff to collect garbage by knocking on each door.

This takes a lot of time and energy, which can be utilized in other productive work. With a waste chute in place, you only need minimum effort to dump garbage from your floor into the chute.

4. Easy & Simple Process for Trash Disposal

As we explained earlier, there is a lot of manual labor involved without a chute in your apartment building. And sometimes, you might also run out of cleaning and maintenance staff. In this case, you need to take your garbage to the designated location or premises. On the contrary, disposing of waste through a trash chute is an uncomplicated and simple process.

5. Sustainable Practice

Accumulated garbage deteriorates the air quality and causes pollution. The garbage chute ensures that the trash dump will not pile up in a place where it can affect the environment and air. It also protects you from the foul smell, germs, bacteria, and fungus.

The Bottom Line

A trash chute is ideal for both residential and official buildings. It not only makes your trash management system more functional, efficient, and hygienic. It also keeps you and your cleaning staff safe from diseases and environmental hazards. So if you don’t have a waste chute in your building, install one now!

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