5 Easy Ideas To Refresh Your Office Space In The New Normal

5 Easy Ideas To Refresh Your Office Space In The New Normal


As the pandemic recedes, offices are reopening. A refreshed look for your workspace is a great way to welcome back your team. Do you have any ideas in mind to give your office an all-new look in the new normal? If not, you can pick a few easy ideas to make your working space aesthetic, functional, and healthy. After all, employees will expect all three from the office space of the future. Here are some decor ideas that can take you in the right direction.

Bright open plan office space
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As the pandemic recedes, offices are reopening. A refreshed look for your workspace is a great way to welcome back your team. Do you have any ideas in mind to give your office an all-new look in the new normal? If not, you can pick a few easy ideas to make your working space aesthetic, functional, and healthy. After all, employees will expect all three from the office space of the future. Here are some decor ideas that can take you in the right direction.

Rethink The Floor Layout For Social Distancing

Of course, creating distance between the seating arrangement is crucial after seeing the pandemic situation. There is still fear of the infection spreading among the employees if they do not keep a safe distance. While designing the office space for the new normal, rethink the floor layout for maintaining social distancing. Cubicles or plexiglass partitions are also good options for extra safety.

Repurpose And Recycle

It is an apt time to embrace sustainability and eco-friendliness in your office decor. While deciding about the layouts or furniture, make the best use of recycled materials. Try and keep the ambiance simple and minimal without using heavy furniture and wall art. The idea will save you a fortune. It will also help you to reduce the impact on the environment to a great extent.

Get A Wall Makeover

The color of walls can influence the mood and motivation levels of your employees. If you want to motivate them, paint the workplace in bright and happy hues. Statement walls are also the new trend. Thinking of giving your office a fresh look? Contact a commercial painter as they can suggest the best colors and statement wall ideas. Go the extra mile with inspiring wall art.

Invest In Ample Storage

Less clutter is equal to more positivity. For the new office makeover, ensure to invest in ample storage. Start buying desk storage boxes, drawer dividers, and bins to keep the clutter away. Depending on your needs, you can buy shelves or a hanging cabinet for notebooks and general supplies. Moreover, beautiful file folders and other stuff can add life and stylishness to the space.

Go Green With Plants

Having plants in the office is another way to extend a warm welcome for your employees. Being close to nature can boost motivation and concentration. Indoor plants clean the air and make it healthier too, so make sure you have plenty of greens on the floor. Try and arrange work desks near the windows to let natural light in. Clean air and natural light go a long way in killing germs in the workspace.

Top 4 Plants To Spruce Up Your Office
Did you know that the presence of plants can increase your productivity? A 2010 study showed significant reductions in reported anxiety, fatigue, hostility and other negative emotions all too familiar during the workweek. Another study indicated that one houseplant per meter of space was

Follow the ideas to keep the spirit of the office positive and happy in the new normal. Make your office look refreshing as employees get back to work after a long time. During these times, it is better to keep the space bright with an ambiance that depicts positivity. Also, make sure to make your office feel like home for your people.

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