The Perfect Morning Routine
The perfect morning routine can be challenging to find, especially with all the information out there. This blog post will provide you with some helpful tips on creating your own perfect morning routine. This way, you’ll wake up feeling rejuvenated every day and be ready to tackle whatever the day has to throw at you!

The perfect morning routine can be challenging to find, especially with all the information out there. This blog post will provide you with some helpful tips on creating your own perfect morning routine. This way, you’ll wake up feeling rejuvenated every day and be ready to tackle whatever the day has to throw at you!
1. Wake Up Early
Turn off your alarm clock as soon as you wake up. This will help you associate waking up with a positive feeling and encourage you to get out of bed more quickly. Before going to sleep, set the intention for what tomorrow’s focus word or phrase will be – it can be anything from “today I am grateful” or “I welcome change.” Keep thinking about this throughout the night so that all you have on your mind when morning comes around is gratitude!
Also, keep calm before getting out of bed. Take deep breaths to bring yourself into present moment awareness where there are no worries because right now, everything is ok! Stay here for at least 30 seconds if possible before moving forward with
2. Meditate
After waking up and breathing, take a couple of minutes to sit in silence. This will help center yourself and get you ready for the day ahead. You can also use this time as your gratitude practice (by thinking about what you are grateful for). Also, meditating has been shown to impact your health positively, so it is definitely doing you good!
After meditating, go ahead and get dressed. Wear something comfortable but also put some effort into it – no slippers or pajamas today! Next, get outside if possible (or at least near a window). Activate the parasympathetic nervous system by getting some fresh air which will give us energy instead of draining it from us like artificial lights do if we’re stuck inside all day.
3. Exercise
We need to exercise every day. If you can’t do it in the morning, make sure you do some form of physical activity at least once a day, whether that be walking or running errands instead of taking public transportation, going for a jog after work if possible, etc. If you don’t exercise before breakfast, your body will go into starvation mode and store calories as fat rather than burning them off! It’s also been shown that exercising first thing in the morning boosts your metabolism throughout the rest of the day due to increased hormones such as cortisol which help regulate blood sugar levels.
In addition, by increasing our heart rate with cardio-based exercises like jogging or biking (critical when using resistance machines), we force our bodies to expend energy throughout the rest of our day!
4. Eat Breakfast
When you wake up, your body is in a fasted state because it hasn’t ingested anything yet. Eating breakfast within an hour of waking up stimulates our metabolism by introducing food into the system, which helps with weight loss and decreases appetite!
There are plenty of barley companies to choose from and eating some fibre will give your metabolism the boost it needs for the day ahead. When you eat breakfast, include some protein as well to keep blood sugar levels steady throughout the day and fiber to help prevent cravings for junk food later on.