5 Easy Tips for Eating Vegan While Traveling

5 Easy Tips for Eating Vegan While Traveling


Find the best tips for vegan travel if you want to enjoy your journey and have fun with cuisines along the way. Here are guidelines to assist you in finding essentials for vegans away from home.

Bowl of rainbow salad on a brown board
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Being vegan does not mean you should miss out when you go out or travel. There are many ideas you could embrace that will help you stay on your diet and even allow you to explore cuisines on the road without compromising your routine. For example, you could carry with you the best personal blender to prepare your smoothies with ingredients that are ideal for your situation. Here are vegan travel tips to help you when you visit new destinations.

1. Find Vegan-Friendly Spots

Before you start your journey, you should research to find vegan-friendly spots. You can use online platforms to find vegan travel food spots along the way and at your destination. Yelp allows you to search with keywords such as “vegan”, and the best part is that you can read reviews to know which spots offer the best experience.

There are many sites that offer such information, including VerGuide, VeganTravel, and HappyCow. Even searching on Google could help you find information about vegan-friendly restaurants in the places you want to visit.

Vegan organizations can also be a good source of information about vegan spots. You can join groups that highlight vegan travel tours in different destinations. Sites such as MeetUp could be helpful, and you can join discussions about destinations to see what people who have been there are saying about restaurants in the area. If you’re not sure, you can also send your questions about vegan eateries available in different locations you plan to visit.

2. Pack Your Favorite Snacks

Closeup of a vegan falafel

Besides finding the best places to eat, you can also pack your vegan travel snacks. If you can find space to bring snacks along, pack easy-to-carry snacks. Protein-packed, easy-to-eat items that will not leave a mess are ideal for this situation. Things like protein bars, nut butter on whole-wheat bread, roasted chickpeas, homemade granola, nuts, and other healthy snacks are all good when you travel.

3. Research Local Dishes

Small bowls of soup

Trying something new when you travel is an experience many travelers look forward to. If you’re vegan, before you pick that vegan travel bag, you could research local dishes to see the available range of ingredients. Most countries have different vegan dishes that are popular and delicious. You could also research to know if there are dishes that could be tweaked to suit your vegetarian lifestyle.

4. Pick Places To Stay With A Kitchen

When searching for accommodation, you should opt for places with a kitchen that you can use to prepare your meals. Many hotels offer private kitchens, or you could rent a condo or home with a shared or private kitchen. Cooking your food allows you to pick ingredients to achieve the authentic culinary experience you want in your meals. You will be sure you’re eating a vegan meal because you control all the ingredients that go into the food.

5. Choose Airlines That Serve Vegan Meals

Airlines are also joining the trend to provide vegan meals and snacks in flight. You can inquire about this service by different airlines before you get started on your journey. Companies such as United Airlines allow you to order vegan meals, which they serve in the breakfast, lunch, and dinner schedules. You request your meals when booking and specify you prefer vegan foods and snacks.

6. Contact Restaurants Beforehand

You can also include non-vegan restaurants in your vegan travel eats. Even restaurants that don’t offer a wide selection of vegan foods will agree to prepare special meals if you request the service beforehand. Contact the restaurant to know if they accommodate vegans. You’ll be surprised that many restaurants offer various dishes, which are mostly prepared by swapping or omitting a few ingredients. Most chefs will be happy to make a special meal for you.

7. Map Out The Nearest Grocery Stores

Fresh vegetables stacked on shelves at a grocery store

When you visit a new destination and stay in a place with a kitchen, you can shop your ingredients in the nearest grocery store. Research about the area to know the places you can find ingredients that meet your requirements. This will not only replenish your vegan snack supply, it will also save you money compared to eating out.


Traveling comes with opportunities to explore new cuisines and appreciate different cultures. If you are vegan, you can travel to different destinations and eat well according to your vegan lifestyle. This vegan travel guide helps you prepare for your journey. Find restaurants that prepare vegan meals, and if you love the independence, you can book accommodation in a place with a private or shared kitchen. Also, packing your snacks for the journey will help you avoid the frustrations of searching for things to eat on the way.

Do you have other tips? Please share with us in the comments section.

About The Author
Alex Green is a copywriter with 3 years of experience. He is fond of healthy living and knows everything about home improvement. In his spare time, Alex likes walking with his golden retriever, meeting with friends, and attending the gym.
Featured Image & post images: Supplied by the author
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