7 Tips For Customer Retention During The Pandemic


At times, it becomes a daunting task to fulfill the changing needs and retain a customer. As the market trends, behavioral form, and shopping pattern fluctuates, it has turned into the need of the hour to pack a punch with the customer retention quotient. Though, it might take time to fall back into the comfort zone again, here are seven such tips that can keep your customers engaged from a distance. Let’s see them in detail.

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Brands are seeing a steep slump in foot traffic ever since the Corona Virus outbreak has hit us. While it is true that the concept of social distancing is a beneficiary step for the common public, it sure is not one for the businesses. With the onset of the pandemic, customers are preferring to stay home, shop online, and self-quarantine. To meet up with the pacing changes, marketers are digging into several ways to steer away from loss.

At times, it becomes a daunting task to fulfill the changing needs and retain a customer. As the market trends, behavioral form, and shopping pattern fluctuates, it has turned into the need of the hour to pack a punch with the customer retention quotient. Though, it might take time to fall back into the comfort zone again, here are seven such tips that can keep your customers engaged from a distance. Let’s see them in detail.

Let Discounts And Coupons Be Your Click-Bait

It is a given that the King of your business is the Customer. And you might also be aware that a customer simply loves to see a discount, a perky coupon code, or any freebie, for that matter. Now, looks like a good time to trigger the long-term purchases with the above-mentioned plans. Try locking them with a 6-moth or one-year membership at flat 50% off or something that works well with your scheme.

As the customer is opting for online shopping, try and see if you can provide a free shipping option, if that does not hurt your budget. Discounts, in any form, can act as a click-bait and entice a customer to consider a purchase!

Add A Dollop Of Personalization

Note that a customer severely criticizes being on the other side of the phone, speaking to a robot with scripted answers. That can actually hamper your business and you might just add on to the churning rates. That is when adding a personalized or customized message may save you the deal.

Avoid sending them bulk emails. Instead, go for adding their name in the subject line or call them personally and connect. This is a great marketing tactic to show the customers that they are being valued. Your customers will carry a lasting impression that even in the tough times, you are there for them. This will not only enhance your customer retention score but also garner quick brand advocates for a lifetime.

Let Your Site Do All The Talking

The second a customer lands on your Home Page, they want to know what precautions you are taking in these difficult times. That directly impacts their decision, whether they wish to do business with you or pick a competition of yours instead. The necessary steps that you are taking to overcome the crisis should be clearly mentioned on your site.

Additionally, coming up with a revamped FAQs section can be more befitting. A customer will have tons of questions such as, is your business fully operational, how you are selling your products maintaining safety hygiene, and more. This is an easy trick to win their hearts.

Rev Up Your Customer Service

Man With Headphones Facing Computer Monitor


It is said, a successful business has little need of a customer support agent. And why shouldn’t that be the case? If your site has a good combination of live support and self-service options on your page, you will not see a large number of tickets bulging up.

In fact, statistics back that up. About 88% of the users expect to see a response within 60 minutes or less, and 30% of them expect it within 15 minutes or less. Therefore, render them a platform where they are assisted with 24×7 service – be it with an updated knowledge base, round the clock bot chat, or self-service portals too. With this, it could be possible that they might end up finding their own answers without needing the assistance of a human agent.

Go Digital With Your Services

As more and more customers are taking to E-commerce to satisfy their shopping needs, you too can go digital. You will see many therapists, personal gym trainers and tutors too are coming up with their online streaming platforms, where they are connected to the clients. You too can make yourself available virtually by using a free tool such as Skype, Google Meet, or Zoom to offer your services remotely. And these online streaming platforms can benefit ‘n’ number of industries.

If your own a salon, you can upload a video teaching your customers how to do a blow-dry. Similarly, if you are a chef, you can teach your customers to cook pancakes, online. You might not charge the customers as well as you were able to in the beginning, but in the least, you will keep the cash flow steady.

Communication Is The Key

Your customers too are equally frustrated with the ongoing pandemic phase. This is the best time to empathize with your customers with the age-old technique of communication. Good communication skill has the power to mend a lot of glitches.

Update and connect with your customers on all the rational steps you are taking – be it changing your shop hours or enlightening them with the steps you are taking to promote a hygienic shopping environment. If possible, take to social media and talk to some of your customers and know what they wish to see differently this time around.

Yes To Active Listening

Two Women Sitting on Ground Near Bonfire


A customer will immediately churn away if met with an incoherent customer experience. But remember, all is not lost just yet, you still have a chance to win the customer back, they highly appreciate the thought when a company calls them and asks for feedback regarding the brand. It is very important that you hear the customer out and do not interrupt them while they haven’t finished yet.

Make them feel valued by inculcating the special skill of active listening. Although a small measure, your customer will stick around a little more, when they see the difference in your approach.

That’s A Wrap

It goes without saying that enhancing your customer retention quotient in this pandemic phase, is not going to be a cakewalk. But having said that, also note that it is not impossible. All you need is the perseverance and patience to battle through the phase and win your customer’s heart. Everyone, including your customers, are acclimating themselves to the new normal in the wake of these testing times. In such a case, it is of high pertinence that you bring out your ‘A’ game and show the customers why they should be choosing you over a competition.

Remember, where there are pros, there are cons as well. Once a customer sees that you have met and exceeded all their expectation, even during the pandemic phase, there is every possibility that they will take a backseat from churning away any time soon and in every way can convert themselves to a brand advocate. Hopefully, these seven above mentioned tips will help you in combating the challenged and will tell you how not to hamper your business even in these times.

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