Weekly Round-Up #244: Toys And Flu!

Weekly Round-Up #244: Toys And Flu!


This week we take a look at organising and cleaning children’s toys and the scourge of winter – Flu!

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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you have had a fun and productive week.

This week we take a look at organising and cleaning children’s toys and the scourge of winter – Flu!

How To Reframe Bad Habits To Boost Your Productivity – Quill.com Blog

We all have habits—both good and bad. While good habits tend to be difficult to make, it can be just as hard to break or reframe old habits. In fact, experts say you can’t ever get rid of a bad habit, but you can change it. Every habit can be broken into three components: a cue, a routine, and a reward. By identifying all three, we can create a new routine that offers the same reward. This can be especially helpful at work where a number of bad habits can get in the way of a productive day.

Top Travel Secrets Of Women Entrepreneurs – Runaway Suitcase

From management decisions to navigating the difficulties of jet lag to sticking to their work-outs, we’ve consulted today’s top women entrepreneurs to learn their best travel hacks. With finesse, these women have managed not only business success but have seamlessly integrated travel into their lives.

Should I Get A Flu Shot? – Effectiveness, Costs & Side Effects – Money Crashers

Getting the flu is awful. Not only do you feel terrible, but it can cost a lot of money too. You might have to miss work or school and go to the doctor. Plus, if you don’t have health insurance, or have an emergency-only healthcare plan, it can mean hefty out-of-pocket expenses. Here in the UK we’re lucky enough to get the Flu Vaccine at a discounted cost (or even free if you fall into certain medical categories) but those of you who have to pay for it might wonder if it’s worth the cost.

How To Disinfect Toys – Angie’s List

Babies and young kids put their toys in their mouths all the time and can often pick up germs and illnesses from dirty items, especially during cold and flu season. Reduce your child’s chance of getting sick by keeping her belongings clean and sanitized. Here are some tips to help you out.

How To Be A Good Manager – Fundera

Cultivating the right management styles for your leadership team is essential to the success of your company. One study showed 56% of employees would turn down a 10 percent raise to stay with a great boss, showing the value your hires likely place on a good working relationship with their boss. Remember: Employees don’t leave companies, they leave managers.

The Health Benefits Of A Cosy Family Home – The Mill Shop

It’s a well known fact that the cold winter months, which bring long nights and very little sunlight can have detrimental affects on your health. With mental health issues such as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) on the rise, it’s important to ensure we look after ourselves – and doing so doesn’t have to be costly or time consuming, either.

The Childhood Toys Worth A Fortune – Liberty Games

Getting a new toy for Christmas or your birthday when you were a child was the best feeling in the world – but what are our childhood toys valued at now? Liberty Games has analysed the cost of vintage toys when they were first released and now to see just how much they’ve increased in value. So, if you had kept some of these iconic toys, what would your ROI be today?

7 Ways To Remodel Your Kitchen Without Ruining Your Relationship Infographic – Walcraft Cabinetry

In this infographic, Sean Walsh, a pastor, and the owner of Walcraft Cabinetry, shares the path to victory. Based upon numerous years of kitchen remodeling and cabinet making experience, Sean has seen just how much stress, friction, and fights can result from a kitchen remodel.

Risk a smile, and take a look at 7 Ways To Remodel Your Kitchen Without Ruining Your Relationship.

The Soundtrack To A Better Night’s Sleep – Mattress Online Blog

Mattress Online studied 1,098 songs from 8 official Spotify ‘Sleep Playlists’ to create the ultimate soundtrack to a better night’s sleep. With 6,576,512 listeners when we gathered the data, millions of people are turning to music to get some shuteye. This all-natural sleep aid could take as little as three weeks to improve your sleep quality.

Moving Offices: The Ultimate Checklist – ClickOffices.com

There are many reasons you may be moving offices. From establishing your own office as a start-up or moving to a bigger space to expand staffing levels and productivity, through to the need to be in a different location or to improve your corporate image. Either way, moving offices marks a key step in the evolution of any business. To make life a bit simpler, Click Offices have compiled the ultimate moving office checklist to help you navigate the process. This list of simple tasks and procedures can provide a useful tool.

Social Insomnia: What We Tweet When We Can’t Sleep – happybeds.co.uk

A social media research project by @HappyBeds. We analysed more than 30,000 tweets about sleeplessness over the last 12 months to find out what’s keeping people up at night – and who’s tweeting about it.

Decluttering Your Life By Organizing Your Kids Toys – Elegant Simplicity

The overwhelming amount of stuff many new parents receive from their supportive family + friends when they find out that you’re expecting is Down. Right. Daunting. Eventually you can’t help but to wonder, when it’ll stop? Or wonder if we’ll ever be able to reclaim a home that doesn’t feel dominated by kids & everything else that goes along with being a parent? This article looks at how you can declutter your home by organising your kids’ toys.

Virtues And Vices In Photography – TechTalk

With more than 1 billion monthly active users a month, Instagram gives entrepreneurs the power to grow and promote their brands more effectively than ever before. But with so much competition out there, how do you stand out from the crowd?

How Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Body Over Time – The French Bedroom Company

Interior experts at The French Bedroom Company have looked into the effects of inadequate sleep – and the results are a little scary. From poor memory, coordination and decision making to weight gain, hallucinations and the risk of serious neurological diseases, sleep deprivation is a serious matter.

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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