3 Ways To Grow A Profitable Blog In 2021

3 Ways To Grow A Profitable Blog In 2021


There was one time that blogging was all the rave. If you weren’t blogging at the time, you weren’t living. Right now, it seems all the hype around blogging is gone, and people who had been eager about it seem to be uninterested. These people are the ones that go on about claiming that blogging is dead. Well, you need to know that they are wrong. Blogging is pretty much still a thing, and it has even become a way to make profits.

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There was one time that blogging was all the rave. If you weren’t blogging at the time, you weren’t living. Right now, it seems all the hype around blogging is gone, and people who had been eager about it seem to be uninterested. These people are the ones that go on about claiming that blogging is dead. Well, you need to know that they are wrong. Blogging is pretty much still a thing, and it has even become a way to make profits.

Getting to make a profit from blogging seems tricky, as most people would tell you, but it doesn’t have to be so. The situation is not helped by the advice professional bloggers give new entrants also. You’d hear professional bloggers say something along the line of you to be passionate about blogging, and in a few long years, you’ll start reaping the rewards of consistent blogging. They are not exactly wrong, but because it took them that long to make money from blogging doesn’t mean it should take you years too.

If it was so easy to make money from blogging, why did people drop blogging and associate blogging with nasty experience? Well, these people are not as lucky you are. They do not have the luxury of the quality ways we will give you in this post now on how to monetise your blog and grow a profitable blog.

We have curated 3 ways through which you can grow your blog into a money-making machine for you. All you have to do is relax, calm your mind and read on.

Shift In Mentality

To begin making money from your blog or reading how you can grow your blog to become profitable, you have to undergo a mentality shift, that is, if you want to quicken your monetising process. You have to stop treating blogging like a hobby and more like a business, a startup. There is nothing wrong with thinking of blogging as a hobby, but it carries the thought of abandonment when you don’t derive joy from it anymore or when you are bored. Your blog is your business, and it requires dedication from you, especially at the beginning.

3 Ways To Build A Profitable Blog In 2021

Now that you have undergone a mentality shift, you are ready to go on this journey with us. Soon you’d be making money from your blog in no time. Enjoy.

Choose A Niche And Create A Content Around It

Contrary to what most people think, it’s not a lack of passion that makes people quit blogging, but it’s a lack of incentive to keep that passion going. What you want to do here is to be known for something.

Your niche could be an essay writing service, or it could be based around what is lacking in the market, what people don’t have information on it. Your first instinct should be to fill this hole. To do this, you have to create your content to revolve around this.

For instance, your interest is in tech. You can make your content different by connecting tech with people who don’t know much about it. Your content could revolve around teaching people how to operate a new piece of tech they have acquired. It is through this that you create a notion of expertise in your reader’s mind. They know you are their go-to guy for solving tech issues.

The thing is, you aren’t the only one writing about tech so, you have to make your content unique. For instance, in tech, you can achieve this by making people connect to it even if they were not into tech. With this, you have a market already, and there would be a demand. Your content would be the medium through which you can drive up this demand. How do you now translate this to money, you wonder? Just keep on scrolling.

Complement Your Blog With Social Media Platforms

Don’t just leave everything on your blog. Link your blog to your social media platforms. The essence of doing that is to show your reader your growing influence among other audience so. This will even help you connect with your reader more as social media is Interactive. You can read and reply to comments of your readers. Through your social media account, you will interact with social media influencers to push your blog into a larger audience.

Readers who feel they need more expertise in handling tech products, per the example we used earlier, would interact with you on your social media. You will help them with what they need and you get paid. Neat, isn’t it? Also, you can use your social media platform to organise competitions and use the registration process to get people’s data, especially their emails. Do youDo you get the drift? Obtaining your audience’s emails makes them ripe for some email marketing. Look at that, from just opening your blog, you are already spreading out and going into a full digital business.

Use Your Email List To Start Full-On Email Marketing

As much as you have the option of social media advertisement, explore email marketing. It affords you the opportunity of a personalised ad to a prospective customer. You, at this point, have grown from just being some guy who writes a blog. You have created a whole business out of it and you stand a chance of controlling more than a fair share of the market as you have connected to your customers on a level that transcends just business.


Remember that your off-website activities are just as important as you putting out regular content on your blog. While you may be writing great articles, you need to bring new readers to your website, prove that you are a leader in your niche and connect with other like-minded content producers.

One final tip: make sure to write for your readers and not search engines. While you might think that stuffing your article full of keywords will help bring readers to your blog, they won’t enjoy your content and will be less likely to read other articles or become a regular visitor.

Do you have any blogging tips? Let us know in the comments below.

About The Author
Charlie Svensson is a brilliant professional freelance writer. Charlie is an engaging content writer, genius at essay writing reviews. He loves blogging, writing on education, social media, marketing, SEO, motivation blogging and self-growth. Charlie is very passionate about writing and all things connected to it.
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