September 15, 2024

Weekly Round-Up #37 – Dolly Parton was wrong


In this post we look at why the traditional 9 to 5 work day may actually be doing us more harm than good, and how to survive on very little sleep!

Weekly Round-Up - Cowboy Lassoing Text
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10 Ways to Function on Very Little Sleep – Entrepreneur

I am Queen of not sleeping and still managing coping at work (I hope!). Apart from the tips in this post I’d add that you should eat something stacked with carbohydrates. In all seriousness a pork pie can do wonders for your outlook `when you’re feeling a bit ropey.

Working 9 to 5… maybe Dolly Parton knew something after all!]

There’s been a new study that says the 9-5 existence is probably the worst sort of time keeping for us – yeay, they’ve finally realised it!

We’re being tortured according to an Academic who has been testing people and their sleep for years.


Essentialism: Focus on Less Tasks to Get More Work Done – Productivityist

Some times we need to be told off before we can realise there’s something to be looked at. Apparently we all need to play video games though so that’s kinda cool.


Just because your calendar is full doesn’t mean to say you’re doing meaningful work, plus always plan a day ahead… and don’t dis your personal time!

Weekly Round-Up #56: Working Not Rocking Around The Clock, Taking Much Needed Breaks and Reinventing Yourself For 2016
In this week's round-up we take a look at how you can file your taxes more efficiently, how guys in the U.S.A are losing out on holidays and why you should get dressed in the morning to help your productivity if you work from home.
Weekly Round-Up #241: Egg Coffee, Disney Villains And No-Gym Workouts
This week we take a look at the newest coffee sensation - egg coffee, how Disney villains would decorate their homes in 2019 and how to get a great workout without having to go to a gym.

7 Simple Micro Habits That Will Guarantee Success

Reading is an important learning curve of anyone’s life, but I love factoring this alongside the "page a day" idea… get a book and write your ideas, hopes and loves each day – what couldn’t be better?

It’s a short one this week

Sorry, I know I normally have more links for you but I’m working a lot. Also, I have a new computer – review of which will come soon but suffice it to say it’s "doing my nut in".


Have a great weekend!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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