How To Make Money As A Home-Based Artist

How To Make Money As A Home-Based Artist


If you’re looking to add some extra income in 2019 then you might think about turning your hobby into a money making venture. In this article we look at some tips on how you can turn your artistic talents into cash.

How To Make Money As A Home-Based Artist
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Being an artist is a tough job, we know. With all the countless hours put into creating an awe-inspiring masterpiece, the physical exertion, the post-marketing and selling, and not to mention the mental exhaustion – we understand your pain and hard work.

But even after all this painstaking effort, starting as an amateur artist, with no or very little acclaimed work to your name, is an extremely difficult path to walk.

But it’s not only sticks and stones along the way. And if you love what you do and are looking for a way to get started, we’ve got some great ideas for you to quickly start working and earning from the comfort of your own home.

Freelance Jobs

It may sound like the most obvious answer to many but even now, in the world of internet and global connectivity, a lot of people are unaware of the potential.

On the other hand, many people who do know about freelancing are either reluctant to try it. They believe in the old-school office system and are skeptical of the effectiveness of a remote-workplace structure.

But let me assure you that once you give it a try, you would see for yourself how convenient and rewarding it is. Especially for an artist!

Artists paint bottle and brushes

Image Source: Pencils, Paints and Pens by bodobe on

An artist’s job usually requires a special studio and many have one at their homes. So whether you are a painter, woodworker, sculptor, graphic designer, ceramics designer or anything falling in the ever-widening field of artists, you can set up an online account on any freelancing platform like Upwork, fiver etc., and bid for any projects that match your skills and let your work speak for itself.

Selling Online

If you are a painter, graphic designer or photographer, then you can sell your actual art-pieces or their high-quality digital prints on online stores like Etsy or social-media platforms like Facebook.

Depending on your initial investment budget, business outlook and target market, you can invest in printing, framing and packaging tools in addition to associating with a delivery service.

But if you are looking to simply sell prints of your work to a wider, global audience without having to worry about any post-production work, like printing and framing, you can simply sign up for an online store account and every customer can customize the final look of the piece to their preference and need. To get a better idea of how this may work, learn more from

Local Arts and Crafts Store

Many local arts and crafts stores in cities or small towns offer to display and sell your art-pieces for a certain commission. These kind of opportunities are especially great for visual artists, like painters, woodcrafters, calligraphers, sculptors etc., because they get to showcase their hand-made art and creativity without having to rent expensive gallery spaces for exhibitions. So if you know a store that may have been a favorite spot of yours to scout for some artistic inspiration, do contact them to let your work be showcased too.

Don’t let the obstacles get you down and keep working to get your work and creativity out there for the world to enjoy. Because art is the food for souls and there is no beauty in the world without it.

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