10 Workouts That Will Make You Question Everything


We all know that we’re supposed to exercise but, if you’re like the majority of us then you’ll know that sometimes it can be a bit of a chore and we just don’t feel like it. Well, perhaps you’re looking at it all wrong and you’re doing more exercise than you realise! In this article Dai Manuel looks at some forms of exercise you might not think of, and may even be doing already!

10 Workouts That Will Make You Question Everything
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Workouts are supposed to revolutionize the way you think, act, and feel. If your exercises make you feel anxious, or even tired of the idea of exercise, it is probably time for you to look at the type of workout you are doing and consider the following ten activities. You will probably rethink everything you thought you knew about fitness* training and how you train. And the best part is, these non-traditional exercises use minimal, if any, equipment.

Exercise Can be Easy, Fun, and Natural

Think back to when you were a kid and running around was fun. Are you eager to feel that way again? Nontraditional workouts allow you to do enjoy moving your body and being alive, without the added pressures of losing weight and feeling healthy. Of course, an inevitable side effect of exercise is a stabilized healthy weight and improved energy. The ways you choose to exercise, however, will make or break your overall relationship with healthy activity. Here are just ten ideas to get you started.


Number One: Hopscotch and Hula Hoop

Believe it or not, this combination of exercise, or arguably play, involves full body movements, cardio, stretching of various core muscles, and balance. All are crucial to a complete and effective workout routine. In addition, you can be outside and engaging with your kids, or you come up with your own choreographed routine with some of your friends. Nevertheless, hopscotch and hula hooping may bring you back to some happier days during your youth, which could be good for the soul.

Number Two: Dance

If you are looking for some hard full body workouts, definitely consider dance. Not only will you be encouraged to let your artistic side flourish, but you are also exposing your mind and body to new coordinated movements. When the body moves in new ways, the mind follows suit. You may find that you love salsa, or more classical ballroom dancing. Regardless, music is also good for the soul, as is getting closer to a partner. Grab some friends, your significant other, or your kids, turn on some tunes, and just move. If you need a bit more structure than that, do a quick search for dancing classes near you, or organize a group event once a week to involve all your closest friends.

Number Three: Gardening

Here is a no equipment workout that allows you to grow more than just your muscles. When you garden, you typically squat a lot, and move your arms around in ways that involve core muscle contractions and steady lifting. You might also be moving plants from one bed to another, sowing seeds across your lawn, or spreading soil and mulch. Planting a garden is a miraculous activity not only because you are creating the opportunity for you to connect with nature, but because you are also preparing healthy food for your post workout meal!

Revolutionise Your Garden: Flex Your Green Fingers
Do you look at your garden with dread! Well, don't! A few simple changes can get your garden into shape and you'll improve your physical and mental health in the process. There's no time like the present so read on to see how you

Number Four: Yoga

Many people do not consider yoga as an adequate form of exercise. If this is you, prepare to be challenged. There are many different types of yoga, and each involves a special discipline of the mind and body. Often, people come away from a yoga practice feeling refreshed, lighter, and even enlightened. If this is intriguing to you, consider introducing yourself by taking baby steps. Look up some moves online and try them out whenever you get the urge.

Woman Meditating in Yoga Pose

You can take yoga with you on hikes, on your travels, in cities and parks, on your street, in your office, at the gym, to a yoga studio, and especially in your home. Yoga will make you reconsider what the purpose of exercise is when you find that all you really want is to feel happy in your own body and fulfilled by your life’s current trajectory.

Number Five: Pole Fitness

Yes, spice up your dancing skills and take it to the pole dancing extreme. Better yet, you can learn to be a firefighter; hauling those fire hoses around is also another form of nontraditional exercise. But in all seriousness, pole fitness will challenge you with your own body weight. You must engage allyour muscles at once, most especially your arms and your core. This is a fun workout to do with friends and will release more than just happy workout endorphins!

Number Six: Battle Ropes

Battle ropes are two ropes, one for each hand, that you sling up and down for a hard-full body workout. This is a great form of upper body cardio as well. Most gyms have them, so check it out the next time you go.

Number Seven: Barre

This is a great bodyweight workout that can easily turn into more of a challenge. Barre combines yoga, Pilates, and weight training for a ballerina type exercise regimen. You can train in a group, with friends, or on your own. Your legs will especially feel the burn.

Number Eight: Ultimate Frisbee

Get outside and play with friends as if you were a kid again! Ultimate frisbee is not just a great workout, but also a fun way to let loose, run around, and be in nature. You can get some great bonding time with family and old friends, and even make some new ones. Ultimate frisbee involves running, balance, and coordination. Afterwards, you will want to stretch out your muscles, especially if a rematch is scheduled.

Number Nine: Climbing Walls

Did you think climbing walls were fun? Think again. Climbing walls are great way for you to get a strong sense of achievement because they are not easy. This is another great bodyweight workout, with special emphasis on the shoulders and arms. Some climbing wall facilities even have chin-up bars and weights to help climbers become strong enough to reach the top. In addition, you can find places that offer memberships. This might be a more enticing alternative to the typical gym setting, while also preparing you for an adventure trip in this new year!

Woman rock climbing

Number Ten: Walking

Turn walking into a scenic discovery by taking it to a hiking trail, inside a mall, or through the city streets. Walking frequently gets overlooked by the health and wellness community, but it is the most natural form of human exercise, with astounding physical and mental benefits. You can easily make walking more interesting by going with a friend, listening to music, taking a different path every time, or telling yourself a story. You can walk for however long you desire or have time for, and the rhythmic movement of the body is still soothing and healing.


Nontraditional forms of exercise encourage the body to move in ways that challenge the current workout trends. This alone can make you feel empowered, in control, and more confident in achieving your health and wellness goals. But nontraditional exercise activities can also stimulate the more intuitive human reaction to physical activity. When movement occurs with ease, and is natural and fun, it becomes much easier to feel like yourself again.

About The Author
Dai Manuel is a super dad, dating his wife and currently doing life with his family around the globe. He is also an award-winning digital thought leader and author at DaiManuel.com, executive performance coach and certified lifestyle mentor who empowers people to lead a FUN-ctionally fit life through education, encouragement and community. He models his work based on 5 F’s: Fitness, Family, Finances, Faith with an overarching roof of FUN, erected on a rock-solid foundation of Health. Keep the conversation flowing and connect with Dai on Instagram, Facebook or email.
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