10 Simple Ways To Make The Most Of Your Time
Are you being as productive as you could be? Rachel Summers gives you 10 simple tweaks you can use to make your daily routines more efficient. These tips will help you make the most of the time you have available, cause you less stress and make you super productive.

There’s 24 hours in a day, which should be enough to get everything that you need to do, done. However, there’ll be multiple times a day when you think โWhen am I going to find the time to get this all done?โ The key isn’t to find more time, it’s to make the most of the time you have. Here’s 10 ways you can make the most of your time and be more productive, every day.
1. Make A Plan
It’s easy to feel as though you have no time when you don’t have a solid plan. The day becomes a never ending pile of tasks, weighing you down. Instead, when you wake up, make a plan for everything you want to get done that day. You only need to spend around 10 minutes making this plan, but this will give your day structure.
2. Identify Your Priorities
Every day, you’ll have tasks to do that will take precedence over everything else. Identify these tasks, and ensure you do them first. Mark Twain used to refer to this as ‘swallowing the frog’, as nothing else you’d do would be as unpleasant for the rest of the day.
3. Manage Your Energy
This is especially important if you live with a condition that limits your energy. Only plan for what you can physically handle during the day. If you try and take too much on, you can set yourself up to fail. This just makes you feel worse, and you won’t have a good handle on your task load.
4. Use Tools That Will Help
There are plenty of tools online that can help you with everyday tasks and save you time. Here are just a few of them:
- The Huffington Post: This site has lots of how tos and articles that can help you.
- UK Services Reviews: Reviews of services that can help you with your work.
- Forever Be Moved: This site has lots of tips on productivity.
- Revieweal: This writing tool can save you time.
- State Of Writing: Use this tool to boost your creativity.
- Top Canadian Writers: Use this writing tool when you need help with your tasks.
- AcademAdvisor: This vocabulary tool can help you find the right words at the right time.
5. Become An Early Riser
It makes sense that the earlier you get up, the more you can fit into your day. Try going to bed a little earlier every night, and train yourself to get up earlier every day. This can help you squeeze a lot more in.
6. One Task At A Time
Multitasking sounds like a good idea, but in practice it can hinder you getting things done. Once you touch a task, follow it through to completion before you start working on something else. This will help work steadily through your to do list.
7. Say No
Are you the kind of person who takes on everyone else’s work? It can stop you from getting your own work done, and exhaust you in the process. Practice saying โNoโ to people, if you don’t have to take their work on. You’ll be amazed at how much time you can free up.
8. Don’t Worry About What Others Think
Many people take on too much because they’re worried about what others will think of them. Learn to let that go, and you’ll find that you’ll be much more productive. This is because you’ll focus on what you really need what to do, rather than what you think others think you should be doing.
9. Delegate Where Needed
Do you specifically need to complete this task? If not, don’t be afraid to outsource. Give that job to someone else, and you’ll lighten your own load.
10. Slow Down And Think
Finally, before you make any decisions, slow down and think. Do you really need to do this? Is it going to help you accomplish your goals? If not, let it go. If you stop and think first, you can save yourself a lot of work.
These ten tips are designed to help you get the most out of your day. Give them a try, and you’ll see how much you can accomplish.
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Sounds nice.
I totally agree with “one task at a time”. Nowadays, we do a lot of multitasking and people don’t realize that it is damaging the overall productivity. I also like the advice “say no”. It is pretty difficult but it is worth trying. In a matter of prioritizing I use a kanban board and it really helps to order tasks by priority and get them done.
Good article.
Cheers, and stay focused ๐